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A 20-year-old girl was shocked when she was diagnosed with lung cancer after a long-standing cough.

[Aillse sgamhain / aillse / casadaich / casadaich leantainneach / comharran aillse sgamhain / adhbharan aillse sgamhain / casg aillse]Get medical attention as soon as possible if you have a persistent cough! On her 20th birthday, a girl from Taiwan sought medical treatment because she had a cough that did not heal for a month and a half. At first she thought it was just a common cold. Suddenly, after many tests, she was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and she began a journey against cancer with daily injections and putting her -out regular. As for why she got cancer at such a young age, the woman said she didn’t smoke and had no family history of hereditary disease, suggesting there was a “reason” why even people who didn’t smoke smokers and non-drinkers developed lung cancer, and most of the patients were female.

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The victim posted on Dcard’s online discussion forum”When I was 20 years old, I had stage four lung cancer.”, he said as he was about to celebrate his 20th birthday, he had been coughing for six weeks At first, he thought it was just a common cold , but he went to different clinics and took a lot of medicine, but he did it. don’t get better. In the end, her family took her to the hospital for more than a month and did X-rays, tomography scans and other tests, but no infection was found.

Transferred to ICU and revealed to have terminal lung cancer

In an emergency, the victim was transferred to a large hospital; but on the day she entered, she was almost near death:

Normally, 20-30 ml of pericardial fluid helps the heart to beat, but at that time I had more than 500 ml of fluid, which was compressing my nerves I could not move my hands picked up and I was quite breathless… I was immediately sent to the intensive care unit.

After staying in the ICU for two days, the victim was transferred to the general ward. After the test, the results were received on the fourth day. The doctor determined that the victim’s series of conditions were all caused by “lung cancer”:

The tumor is hidden behind the heart, so it is difficult to find it. And that day, I was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.

Remembering the pre-cancer symptoms, please do not delay in seeking medical treatment if you have a persistent cough that does not go away.

After the victim was diagnosed with cancer, she began a life of constant injections, vomiting, and daily weakness, which made her question the meaning of survival. Finally, after more than a month of treatment to stabilize her condition, the doctor invited her to participate in a cancer research project, she started living with targeted drugs again, so she took two years from school

As for the cause of cancer, the patient admitted that he did not smoke and had no family history of lung cancer, so the doctor speculated that the cancer was caused by a “gene mutation”:

It may be caused by the environment. After all, we all live in a polluted place now. It is recommended that when you have free time, you can go out for a trip, climb mountains, and take in more fresh air.

She also recalled the symptoms before she was diagnosed with cancer In addition to coughing for 6 weeks, she also felt chest tightness. The water was straining the nerves, and I couldn’t lift my right arm. Finally, I couldn’t breathe even when I was lying flat on my back, so no I could only sit and relax.

Finally, she advises everyone not to take chronic cough symptoms lightly:

If the cough persists for a long time, do not delay and get checked as soon as possible. Lung cancer is usually found at a late stage.

Chronic cough or symptoms of lung adenocarcinoma

Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer in Hong Kong Even if you don’t smoke or drink, you still have a chance of getting lung cancer. A recent study in Taiwan indicated that 60% of local lung cancer patients do not smoke, and up to 80% of women do not smoke. Liu Boren, an expert in genetic nutritional medicine, said that Academia Sinica from Taiwan conducted an extensive study and found that a gene called “APOBEC” in Taiwanese women is more prone to mutation. Even if you don’t smoke, drink or cook, there are trace amounts of PM2.5 in your daily life, the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons produced by smoked and grilled food , and the nitrites in processed meats and overnight dishes are also greater. tend to cause mutations, leading to lung cancer.

In addition, Taiwanese thoracic surgeon Chen Baixi said on the health channel that cough is the most common among the typical symptoms of lung adenocarcinoma. If symptoms of wheezing or chest pain appear, it means that the condition has become serious and may have worsened. If “abnormal” symptoms appear, the patient will feel shoulder pain and upper back pain It may be a spinal metastasis that has affected nerves. When most patients are diagnosed, they often have stage 4 lung adenocarcinoma.

He said that according to statistics, the five-year survival rate of stage IV patients is only about 5% to 10%. For early-stage lung cancer, if the tumor is less than 1cm, the cure rate is about 90%, and there is a 5-year survival rate. Therefore, if you continue to cough or have an itch, you should seek medical examination and treatment as soon as possible.

Common symptoms of lung cancer

The majority of lung cancer patients in Hong Kong are smokers, and other common risk factors such as population age, air pollution and thoracic radiation therapy will increase the risk factors for lung cancer.

4 common reasons

Gene mutation causes disease in non-smokers

Dr. Li Siu-kang, an expert in clinical oncology, once said in an interview that lung cancer can be divided into “small cell lung cancer” and “non-small cell lung cancer”. for about 70% of all lung cancer cases, and “lung adenocarcinoma” among them Accounts for 60 to 70% of “non-small cell lung cancer”, and the trend is increasing.

Dr. Li said that about 70% of “lung adenocarcinomas” among non-smoking patients in Hong Kong are related to genetic mutations He also found that 60 to 80% of lung cancer patients in Asia who do not smoke, and are also younger Lung adenocarcinoma is the leading lung cancer among women who do not smoke.

Dr. Li reminded that if you are over 40 years old, whether you are a smoker or not, you should pay more attention to the warning signs from your body You may have a chance of cancer Early detection of lung cancer is more effective than late treatment.

methods of prevention

Regarding prevention methods, the oncologist Lu Kaizu once said in an interview that it is difficult to prevent lung cancer in non-smokers due to genetic mutations. Therefore, it is even more important to do regular screening and find problems as early as possible. You can also be exposed to dangerous things in your daily life, such as consciously stopping smoking, avoiding second-hand smoke inhalation, avoiding long-term stay in air-polluted environments, and ‘ include industrial dust such as asbestos.

Additional video on the same scene: Frequent exposure to oil fumes increases the risk of lung cancer by 2.7 times

In fact, Taiwan’s National Institutes of Health published a study: the more often a woman cooks and the longer she is exposed to carcinogens in oil smoke, the higher the risk of lung cancer in women who are rare which they cook. Out 2.7 times. I also found that whether or not a range hood is used when cooking is also a key factor. Women who use a range hood and turn them on for 2/3 of the time while cooking can reduce their risk of lung cancer by 41% to 63%.

In addition, the study analyzed the effects of cooking oil on the human body and found that women who often cook with lard have a 92% higher risk of lung cancer than women who often cooking with vegetable oil. In addition, if you fry food more than 5 days a week, the risk of lung cancer increases by 53%. The results of this research were published earlier in the international journal Scientific Reports.

Click on the large image to see health tips about cooking with oil:

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2024-08-19 09:05:42

#Cancer #Killer

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