Home » today » Health » Cancer is on par with cardiovascular diseases as the leading cause of death in our country – Diario El Telégrafo

Cancer is on par with cardiovascular diseases as the leading cause of death in our country – Diario El Telégrafo

The Minister of Public Health, Karina Rando, announced the incidence of cancer in Uruguay in 2023.

The Minister of Public Health, Karina Rando, reported that cancer deaths in our country in 2023 “almost equal the figures, at the expense of a decrease, of cardiovascular diseases”. Precisely the latter until 2022 were the main cause of death in Uruguay, followed by cancer. The minister also warned that we will have to wait for the data from 2024, “where cancer can become the first cause of death in the country”. Lung cancer in men is the one that causes the highest mortality, while in women it is breast cancer. Asked by EL TELEGRAFO about the types of cancer that predominate in our department, oncologist Dr. Silvia Dodero said that in Paysandú “the incidence of breast cancer” in women “continues to increase”, while in men it is prostate cancer. As for the highest incidence, digestive cancer follows, followed by lung cancer. He admitted that the incorporation of new methods has favoured a greater diagnosis and “even in stages that are not as advanced as we had before”. In addition, today access to new treatments enables a “longer survival” of patients “and often with a very good quality of life”, he said.

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