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cancer cure that Nodal’s mother claims to have

Cancer, according to World Health Organization, It is the leading cause of death worldwide. The latest reports nearly 10 million deaths are attributed. Namelyone in 6 people dies from this disease. However, there are cases called “miracle tumors”. Which, defy science, and provide a new field in the investigation of possible cures.

The case of Christian Nodal’s mother

According to what he shared, in recent weeks Nodal’s mother presented health problems that prevented him from eating. What affected you emotionally and physically. This caused different studies to be carried out to rule out any anomaly, however, the results were not as expected: it resulted in a malignant tumor in the colon.

‘One of a thousand cases’: The risks of the rare malignant tumor in the colon that Nodal’s mother has

On April 9, Nodal’s mother was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in the colon and she had to undergo surgery immediately so that her life would not be in danger. The influencer did not think twice.

However, in a SECOND review, the specialists realized that the tumor had disappeared and they called it “a miracle

Is cancer curable?

according to health 180, will depend on the type, stage of diagnosis, as well as the body’s response to treatment. According to American Cancer Society, some cases of cancer are more likely to be cured”, but there is no universal method.

“Miracle” tumor: the enigmatic cure of cancer

In 2018, Roxli Doss, an 11-year-old girl, was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. However, a few months after this news, the mass disappeared completely. What happened?

the case that was published on the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, notes that the girl was subjected to radiation. The peculiar thing is that this type of tumor tends to be smaller, but it does not disappear. In other words, Doss had an extremely positive reaction to the treatment, which is rare.

In this context, what doctors call “miracle healing” or “spontaneous remission of cancer” is more understandable. The official definition of this mystery consists of “the partial or complete disappearance of the malignant tumor in the absence of any treatment or, with a therapy that is believed to be insufficient”, Wolters Kluwer Health.

What is the difference between ‘cure’ and ‘remission’?

The American Cancer Society He divides it like this: cure means when the cancer has disappeared so no additional treatment is required. Remission, period of time that the disease responds to medicine.

The fact that the reason why this happens does not mean that there is a supernatural force.to the. Perhaps the most illuminating hypothesis is that there are rare occasions when the biological processes in a patient’s body are capable of eliminating the cancer.

How common are “miracle” tumors?

It is estimated that this “miracle cure” occurs in one for every 60,000 or 100,000 patients, reveals a research from the Medical Oncology Department, Izmir, Turkey.

Today it is thought that this spontaneous regression of cancer is due to an immunological event of great importance. Reason why it is documented, and health experts continue to investigate the subject.

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