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Cancer Crisis in Northeastern Syria: Lack of Hospitals and Smuggled Medicines

Amidst the lack of hospitals, specialized centers, specialists, and chemical doses that prompted a number of patients to search for an alternative solution, which is to buy their treatments from smuggled medicines, cancer patients in all of Syria and northeastern Euphrates in particular are facing harsh and compelling health conditions.

The academic, Farid Saadoun, revealed in an interview with Al-Arabiya.net that the cost of a single dose exceeds 800 US dollars, indicating that the disease is terrifyingly rampant throughout northeastern Syria.

Many cases in the same family

He explained that hardly a family is devoid of a cancer patient, as from his family only 7 people died in recent years due to the disease, while today there are 4 other cases of first-degree relatives.

Meanwhile, “Reem”, 23, faces the fate of her mother, aunt and grandmother after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

The young woman from the city of Qamishli, who was a university student studying pharmacy, says that she stopped her studies due to illness, adding: “5 years ago I lost 3 people from my family, and today my uncle and my uncle’s wife and I are facing cancer.”

90% of the east of the Euphrates

The injured complain about the high rate of infections and fear that the disease will infiltrate their families.

The incurable disease is ravaging the region, which lacks special centers for diagnosis and treatment, which forces them to travel either to Iraqi Kurdistan or to the capital, Damascus, to receive treatment, which was provided in the past for free.

Reem, who regularly attends treatment sessions at Al-Bayrouni Hospital in Damascus, also points out that the medical team at Al-Bayrouni Hospital assured her that more than 90% of their patients, and those of other hospitals in Damascus, are from the east of the Euphrates.

Regarding the prevalence of the disease in the region before the start of the crisis, the Kurdish academic, Farid Saadoun, confirmed that the infection rate was high, but it was not as terrifying and catastrophic as it is now.

As for the factors and reasons predisposing to its transformation into a deadly epidemic, I believe that there are factors that help in the spread of this disease in an accelerated and frightening way, including the gases associated with oil extraction resulting from the remnants of cars and generators and the gas for many years in the oil fields, which produces huge amounts of naphthalene gas that is carcinogenic, especially liver cancer. Most of these gases cause lung cancers, which are more prevalent, indicating that two of his family died of lung cancer.

He noted that the primitive refining of oil makes the extracted material retain carcinogenic types of gases that are dissolved in diesel or gasoline and are blown into the air when used, as well as heavy metals that leak into the soil with oil refining, such as arsenic, mercury, and lead, which are transmitted to plants and vegetables, and thus pollution becomes a major factor. A risk factor for cancer.

Saadoun referred to media leaks claiming that there are nuclear wastes buried in parts of Syria, which are the main cause of the disease.

Cancer spread at an accelerating rate in Syria.. What are the reasons?

Difficulties and more!

There are no real figures for the large number of injured people in northeastern Syria, and doctors estimate them to be in the tens of thousands, which are large numbers that face many difficulties.

The doctor, “Bakhtiar Hussein”, counted it, as there are no special hospitals for the disease in northeastern Syria, as well as the difficulty of securing medicines and the prevailing high prices at all levels, all of which negatively affect the treatment and prevention process.

As far as statistics are concerned, I believe that all regions are equal in the number of patients, but the difference is only in health care centers, especially in large cities where the medical service is more positive, unlike small towns that lack many.

For his part, Saadoun believes that free doses are not available in the east of the Euphrates and even in Al-Bayrouni Governmental Hospital in Damascus, pointing out that the most serious problem arises with regard to medicine, which is smuggled doses that may not be medically sound, or useless.

He also continued, pointing out that one of them bought doses, and it was later found that they were not effective, so the patient’s condition worsened after the financial loss, as the price of one dose is estimated at $825, so patients need an international body that provides safe and free doses.

Learn about the influence map in the east of the Euphrates

105 deaths per 100,000 patients

It is noteworthy that the repercussions of the Syrian crisis, which has been going on for more than 13 years, have been reflected in most of the various sectors, especially the health sector, which has become unable to provide the most basic medical services.

According to medical estimates, 70% of cancer cases reached advanced stages, including the emigration of doctors abroad and the lack of specialists in hospitals, especially oncologists, who numbered 3 in the city of Aleppo and two in the city of Hasakah.

In a previous report, the International Agency for Research on Cancer affiliated with the World Health Organization confirmed that Syria, compared to its population, ranks fifth among West Asian countries in the number of infections with the era epidemic, and there are 196 infections among every 100,000 Syrians, and 105 deaths per 100,000 patients. .

2023-08-08 03:37:00

#happening #east #Euphrates. #Cancer #ravaging #region #reasons

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