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Cancer awareness campaign in the Algarve

Bergamo Takes a Stand Against Cancer: A Day of Prevention and Screening


On February 4, the Lombardy Region is rallying its citizens to join the fight against cancer. Regional councilor for welfare, Guido Bertolaso, emphasized the significance⁣ of this day, stating, “february 4 represents a day of‍ great importance to sensitize everyone on the ⁣theme ‍of prevention and ‍fight ⁤against cancer. I invite citizens to participate​ in the numerous initiatives organized by the Lombardy Region.”

The focus is on cancer ⁤prevention, with a particular emphasis on⁤ screening programs for ⁤cervical, breast, colorectal,‌ and prostate cancers. Bertolaso highlighted the importance of these initiatives, saying, “It is essential ‍to seize this prospect to ⁤access ⁤oncological ​screening, free consultations, and workshops aimed⁣ at promoting healthy⁣ lifestyles.” he concluded with a powerful message: “Prevention is our most effective weapon, and with the commitment of ‍institutions, health workers, and citizens, we ​can make the difference in the fight against⁣ this terrible disease.”

Where to Book​ in Bergamo

Mammographic ⁤Screening

The “Pope John” hospital ⁣is ​offering mammographic⁢ screening for women aged 45-74 on February 4 from 16:00 to 20:00. Bookings ​can be made through⁢ the PrenotaSalute portal. Additionally, ​ASST Bergamo Est is providing breast screening for women aged ⁣45-49⁤ (every⁣ 12 months) and⁢ 50-74 (every 24 months) at⁣ the Bolognini di Seriate radiology department ‌from 14:00 to 18:00. For appointments, call 035/3063411.

ASST Bergamo Ovest is also hosting an remarkable mammographic⁣ session ⁢at the Senological Center of​ Romano di Lombardia from 18:00 to 20:00. Women aged‍ 45-74 can book their slots via the PrenotaSalute portal. ⁢

Cervical Cancer⁢ Screening

For ‍ cervical cancer screening, Asst Papa Giovanni ​is offering ⁢Pap⁢ Tests for women aged 25-29 and HPV-MRNA Tests for those aged 30-64.‌ These will be​ available⁤ at the San ⁢Giovanni Bianco ⁤hospital (8:00-10:00),‍ Borgo ​Palazzo ​ consultancy (11:00-11:30), and ‌ Villa d’Almè consultancy (13:30-15:30). Reservations can be made by calling ‍035/2676326.​ ⁤

ASST Bergamo‌ Est is conducting cervical screenings at‍ the Lovere consultancy on february 4 from 14:00 ‌to 18:00. Bookings can ​be made⁢ at 035/3063227. Simultaneously occurring,⁢ ASST Bergamo Ovest is offering screenings on February 3 at the Romano consultancy (9:00-11:00) and on February 4 ⁣at the Treviglio (12:30-14:00), San Pietro Bridge ⁤(9:20-11:00), Calusco (10:00-12:00), and Zanica (13:30-15:30)⁣ consultancies. ‍

Key ⁣Screening Details

| screening Type ⁤ | Age ‌Group | ⁣ Location ⁤ ‌ | Date & Time ⁢ ⁢ | Booking Details ⁣ ⁣ ‍ ⁤ ‌ ⁣ ‍ ‍ ‌ |
|⁤ Mammographic Screening ‌ | 45-74 ‌ ‍ ⁣ | Bergamo Hospital‍ ⁢ ⁢ | Feb 4, 16:00-20:00 ‌ ⁣ | PrenotaSalute ⁣ |
| Mammographic Screening | 45-49,50-74 | Bolognini di Seriate ‌ | Feb 4,14:00-18:00 ​​ | Call 035/3063411 ⁤ ⁣ ‍ ⁣ ⁢ ​ ‌⁢ ⁤ ‌ ‌ ‍ |
| ‌Mammographic Screening ​ |⁢ 45-74 ⁣ ⁢| Romano di Lombardia ⁣ ​ |‌ Feb 4,18:00-20:00 ⁢ ⁤ ‌ | PrenotaSalute ⁢ ⁢ |
| Cervical ⁣Screening ⁤ ​ | 25-29, 30-64 | San Giovanni ⁢Bianco ⁢ ‌ | Feb 4, 8:00-10:00 ⁤ ‌ ​ | Call 035/2676326 ‌ ‌ ⁣ ⁢ ⁢ ‌ ⁢ ⁣⁢ ‍ ‍ |
| Cervical Screening ‌ | 25-29, 30-64 ‌ | Lovere​ ‍ ⁣ | Feb 4, 14:00-18:00 | Call 035/3063227​ ⁤ ⁣ ‍ ⁤ ‍ ⁢ ‍ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁤ ⁣ ⁢⁣ ‌ |
| Cervical Screening | 25-29, 30-64 | Treviglio ‍ ⁤ ‌ ‍ | Feb 4, 12:30-14:00​ ⁣ | ​Call 0363/590975‍ ‍ ⁣ ⁣ ‍ ‌ ‌ ‌ ⁣ ⁣ ‌ |

This initiative underscores the importance of ⁣early detection and ⁢prevention in ​the fight against cancer.‌ Don’t miss this opportunity to take charge of your health. ‍book⁢ your‌ screening today and join the movement⁤ to make ‌a difference.

Health Initiatives in Bergamo: Vaccinations, screenings, ‌and Anti-Smoking Programs

Bergamo’s healthcare system is stepping up its ‌efforts to address critical health ⁤concerns with a series of initiatives scheduled for‌ February 4th. from cancer screenings to vaccinations and anti-smoking ​programs, ASST⁢ Papa Giovanni and ASST Bergamo Est ⁢are offering free services ⁤to the community. ‌

prostate⁢ Cancer Screening ⁢

Prostate cancer ⁢remains ​a significant health issue, and early detection is crucial. on february 4th, ASST Papa Giovanni is providing free prostate cancer screenings​ for men aged 50 to 70. The screenings​ will be available at community houses in Borgo palazzo, Zogno, Villa d’Almè,‍ and Stroke from ⁤8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Participants will be asked to⁤ fill out a questionnaire‍ to assess their risk ⁢factors. ‌

Hepatitis C Screening

Hepatitis C is a silent threat, especially​ for those born between 1969 and 1989. ASST Papa Giovanni is offering free hepatitis C screenings on February⁣ 4th at community houses in Zogno, Stroke, and⁣ Villa d’Almè from 4:00 PM to 8:00‍ PM. Additionally, ASST bergamo Est will host screenings at Bolognini di Seriate from 10:30 AM⁤ to 12:30⁣ PM.

Vaccination ‍Clinics for Fragile and Oncological Patients ⁣

Vaccinations are⁢ a cornerstone of preventive healthcare.On February 4th, ASST Papa Giovanni is dedicating vaccination ⁣sessions to cancer patients⁤ (including ‌those with a previous diagnosis)​ at community houses in Borgo Palazzo, Zogno, and Stroke. Reservations are required and can be made via email at [email protected] or by calling 035/2676521.

ASST Bergamo Est is also offering free access to vaccination clinics for ‍fragile patients at ​ Raise Hospital from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.Meanwhile, ASST Bergamo Ovest‌ has organized vaccination clinics for oncological patients at Dalmine ⁢ (9:00 AM ‍to 12:00 PM, max 20‌ patients) ​and Treviglio (10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 10 slots available).

Anti-Smoking Programs

Smoking is a ‌leading cause of lung cancer and other ‌serious health conditions. On February 4th, ​ASST papa Giovanni is offering first evaluation visits for anti-smoking treatment at Serd di Borgo Palazzo from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. ​ASST bergamo Est is promoting telephone counseling through its anti-smoking centers in Gazzaniga (035/3062795) and Lovere (035/3062369).

For those in the ASST Bergamo Ovest area, ‌counseling for smoking addiction will⁤ be available ⁢on February 8th and 9th from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM at community houses in Treviglio, Martinengo,‌ Dalmine, and Ponte San Pietro. ‍

Key Information at a ‍Glance⁢

| Service ‍ ⁤| Location ‍ ‍ | ​ Date ‌ | Time |
|‍ Prostate Cancer Screening | Borgo Palazzo, Zogno, Villa d’Almè, Stroke | February 4th | 8:00 AM -⁢ 2:00 PM |⁣
| Hepatitis C Screening | Zogno, Stroke, Villa d’Almè, Bolognini di Seriate | February 4th | 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM / 10:30 AM -⁣ 12:30 PM |
| Vaccinations‌ ​ | Borgo Palazzo, Zogno, Stroke, Raise, Dalmine, Treviglio | February 4th | Varies ‍| ‍​
| Anti-Smoking Counseling | Borgo‍ Palazzo, ⁤Gazzaniga, Lovere,‌ Treviglio, Martinengo, Dalmine, Ponte San Pietro | February ⁣4th, 8th, ‍9th | Varies ⁣|

For more‍ details on access and reservations, visit www.asst-pg23.it.

These initiatives underscore Bergamo’s⁢ commitment to preventive ‌healthcare, offering residents accessible⁢ and timely services ⁤to⁢ safeguard their well-being.Don’t miss this opportunity to take charge of your health—book your appointment today!nThe healthcare ⁣landscape in Bergamo is undergoing a transformative shift, thanks to the‌ innovative efforts of ASST Bergamo Est and ASST Bergamo⁢ Ovest. These ⁣two ‍healthcare organizations are redefining ⁣patient care​ through digital​ advancements and streamlined services, ensuring that residents have access to efficient⁤ and modern healthcare solutions.

ASST Bergamo Est is making​ waves with its commitment to neonatal care. The association⁤ has introduced​ a groundbreaking⁢ screening​ program for Spinal muscular Atrophy⁣ (SMA), a rare genetic disorder. This initiative provides parents with crucial information‌ and early detection options, empowering them to make informed decisions about their child’s health. “Screening neonatale dell’Atrofia Muscolare⁢ Spinale (SMA): informazioni​ per i ⁢genitori,” as the program‌ is called, is a testament to ⁢ASST Bergamo Est’s dedication to preventive ⁤care.

meanwhile, ASST Bergamo Ovest is revolutionizing administrative processes through ⁣its new digital ‌platform, SIOC. This system allows citizens to manage their healthcare choices, such ‌as selecting or revoking their primary ‌care‍ physician, entirely online.”L’ASST Bergamo ovest⁣ sceglie di incentivare gli utenti‍ a gestire le pratiche dei servizi territoriali, soprattutto di Scelta e Revoca, da⁣ remoto,” ‍highlights the organization’s push toward ‌digital convenience. By creating a personal account,users can track the progress of‍ their requests from the comfort ⁢of their homes.

Both ‌organizations ⁤are also ensuring comprehensive⁣ healthcare coverage for all‍ residents. ​ASST Bergamo Est⁢ emphasizes ⁣that “l’assistenza sanitaria è garantita a tutti i cittadini (italiani e stranieri aventi diritto) attraverso una rete di⁤ servizi,”⁢ including medical, pediatric, pharmaceutical, and hospital care. This commitment is further reinforced⁣ by the mandatory enrollment in ​the regional Health Service, which requires⁤ citizens ‌to choose their primary care physician.To summarize the key initiatives of these organizations,here’s a ​table highlighting their contributions:

| Organization | Key Initiative ‍ ⁤⁢ ​ ⁣ ⁢ ‍ ⁤ ‍ | Impact ‍ ⁢ ⁤ ⁤⁣ ‌ ‍ ⁢ ‌ |
| ASST Bergamo Est | Neonatal SMA Screening Program ⁢⁤ ⁢ ‌ ​ ⁢ ⁤ ⁣ ​ ‍ ⁤ | Early detection and informed decision-making for parents ​ |
|⁢ ASST Bergamo Ovest | SIOC⁤ Digital Platform ‍‌ ​ ⁢ ‍ ⁣ ‍ ​ ​ ⁢ ⁢ ⁤ | Streamlined administrative processes and remote healthcare management |
| Both⁣ Organizations | Comprehensive Healthcare Coverage ‍ ⁤ ‌ ​ ⁣ ⁤ ⁤ | Accessible medical,pediatric,and pharmaceutical services for all citizens|

These advancements underscore the commitment of ASST Bergamo‌ Est and ASST Bergamo Ovest ⁣ to enhancing healthcare delivery in‌ Bergamo. By leveraging⁢ technology and prioritizing patient needs, they are setting a new standard for healthcare excellence.

Bergamo’s healthcare⁣ Transformation: Insights from ASST ‌Bergamo‍ Est and ASST Bergamo Ovest

Editor: Can you⁣ tell us about the new health initiatives in‌ Bergamo and how they‍ cater too residents’ needs?

Guest: ⁢ Absolutely. Bergamo has introduced several health initiatives focused on preventive care. ​As a notable example, on February 4th,⁣ residents⁣ can access Prostate Cancer‌ Screening, Hepatitis C Screening,​ vaccinations, and Anti-Smoking Counseling at various locations. These services are designed to be accessible ⁣and timely,⁣ ensuring that residents can take proactive steps toward safeguarding their ⁤health.

Editor: How are ASST Bergamo Est and ASST ⁤Bergamo Ovest contributing to​ this ‍transformation?

Guest: Both organizations are leading the charge ​in modernizing healthcare.ASST Bergamo Est, such as, has ​launched a groundbreaking ‍ Neonatal SMA Screening Program, which provides early detection options for Spinal Muscular ⁢Atrophy. This empowers parents with critical information to ⁤make informed decisions about their child’s health. Meanwhile, ASST⁤ Bergamo ⁢Ovest has introduced the SIOC Digital⁤ Platform, allowing residents to manage healthcare tasks remotely,⁤ such ⁤as selecting or ‍revoking their primary care physician.

Editor: what are the key benefits of these initiatives for Bergamo residents?

Guest: The benefits are immense. The Neonatal SMA Screening Program offers early detection, which can significantly impact‌ treatment outcomes. The‍ SIOC Platform streamlines administrative processes, ⁤making⁣ healthcare management more convenient. Additionally, both organizations ensure​ comprehensive healthcare coverage, including medical, pediatric, and pharmaceutical services, ensuring that all residents, regardless of their⁣ background, have access to quality care.

Editor: How do these initiatives ⁤reflect the⁤ broader vision of ⁢healthcare in Bergamo?

Guest: ⁢these⁢ initiatives⁣ underscore‌ Bergamo’s commitment to preventive healthcare ‍ and digital⁣ innovation. By leveraging​ technology and⁢ prioritizing accessibility, ASST Bergamo Est and ‌ASST Bergamo ovest are setting a new standard for healthcare excellence. their efforts ensure that residents have access to efficient, modern, and⁤ patient-centered services.

Editor: What‍ should residents do to take advantage of these services?

Guest: Residents can visit www.asst-pg23.it for ‍detailed information ​on ⁣how to access these services and book appointments. For specific programs like‍ the Neonatal SMA Screening, parents can find ⁣more ⁤details on the ASST Bergamo Est website. Similarly, the ASST Bergamo Ovest website provides⁣ guidance on using the SIOC platform⁣ for remote healthcare management.


Bergamo’s healthcare landscape​ is undergoing a transformative shift, driven by ‌the innovative efforts of ASST Bergamo Est and ASST Bergamo Ovest. From ⁣preventive screenings to ‌digital platforms, these organizations are⁤ enhancing accessibility, efficiency, ⁢and quality of⁤ care for all residents. don’t miss the ⁣opportunity to take charge of your health—explore these initiatives today!

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