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Cancels the meeting: – Pretty drawer

On Tuesday, the mayor of Ullensaker municipality, Eyvind Jørgensen Schumacker (Labor Party), had to resort to the club during the municipal board meeting. In addition, he asked to have one of the participants “bribed” when the meeting went digital.

It was under the item on the settlement of refugees in the municipality that FRP’s municipal council representative, Ingfrid Oddveig Tveit, made statements that were not well received by the mayor.

– Drawer

– It is now the case that, we want our country to be, for example, Muhammadan .., says Tveit as the mayor knocked on the table and asked that the sound be turned off.

– Tveit, now I have to say that I am quite disappointed with you. You have previously heard that the word you used is a derogatory characteristic of another ethnic group, the mayor said during the meeting.

The Directorate for Integration and Diversity has requested that Ullensaker municipality can receive 26 refugees next year.

– We have a lot of foreign cultural people in Ullensaker now. It is difficult to hear Norwegian if you take a trip to the mall one morning. There are all other languages ​​spoken. I must say that I am genuinely concerned. We are in the process of replacing the Norwegian population, as I see it, said representative Tveit (Frp) during the meeting.

Dagbladet has been in contact with Ingfrid Oddveig Tveit, who does not want to comment on the matter further.

To Romerikes Blad tells Tveit that she does not understand the reactions to the use of the word Muhammadan.

– In my use of the word there is nothing positive or negative. It is simply a name for those who belong to a particular religion. I do not understand why some people react so strongly, says Tveit.

– If anyone can give me a thorough and scientific reason why the word is wrong, then I will comply with it.

– Completely unacceptable

Schumacker is shocked by the remarks made during the meeting.

– It is extremely sad I must say. Ullensaker is a very multicultural municipality, where about 30 percent are not ethnic Norwegians. Then it is clear that many take it personally when such accusations and negative characteristics, and not least outdated expressions, emerge, Schumacker says to Dagbladet.

SAD: Ullensaker municipality’s mayor, Eyvind Jørgenses Schumacker, is disappointed and sad that such statements are made at a municipal board meeting. Photo: Ullensaker municipality.
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He thinks the situation is very unfortunate and says that such behavior is completely unacceptable in any context.

– In a municipal board meeting, it is clear that I, and all representatives, lead by example and ensure that all residents feel included and welcome. Here in the municipality, religion, background, ethnicity, sexual orientation and so on should not have anything to say. Everyone has the same amount to say for the community, he states.

Expecting affair

Schumacker is concerned with conveying that such statements do not represent the municipality and the board’s attitudes.

– I thought we had come further in 2021, and I do not think the person in question speaks on behalf of many. It is a very outdated language, used with knowledge and will. There are no educated people who use words and expressions of that kind, says the mayor and adds:

– This is something that has been repeated. It is a deliberate act to create division in a well-functioning multicultural society, which we appreciate. I expect that person’s party to take action. All backgrounds should feel included in Ullensaker.

During the meeting, it was decided that the municipality can receive 40 refugees in 2022.

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