Home » today » News » Canary Islands Government and Cabildo investigate Santa Rita for irregularities, scabies and malnutrition | Radio Club Tenerife

Canary Islands Government and Cabildo investigate Santa Rita for irregularities, scabies and malnutrition | Radio Club Tenerife

Both the Cabildo de Tenerife and the Ministry of Social Rights have explained to the TO BE that they are reviewing the documentation related to Santa Rita after the report released yesterday by Radio Club Tenerife detailing the serious deficiencies found inside the residence in December last year. The Department of Social Welfare of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Mariam Franquet, is collecting documentation to explain this Monday in Today for Today Tenerife what happens inside the residence and the model towards which social care advances.

The Ministry of Social Rights, for its part, “It is a private residence with places agreed with the Cabildo de Tenerife”, but “The competence of this accreditation and inspection service is twofold: infrastructure (accessibility, measurements, elevators …) and social health (ratios and training of professionals, action protocols …) but little else, nothing related to health”, They add Radio Club in their explanations. Following the information published by the SER, Social Rights has opened an investigation to find out the history of the actions in Santa Rita

As it is a residence of that size, there is a Health consultation so possible medical problems should be followed up in the medical records of the residents, “There we are we enter, because we do not have competences, and because of the protection of data as sensitive as health”, they add to their explanations. “We began to establish direct contact with the residences days before the declaration of the state of alarm, we sent weekly information to the Prosecutor’s Office so that, in their case, they can initiate the appropriate pre-procedural procedures. Thanks to this and more, in a population of 7000 residents, we have 82 victims to mourn, the lowest number in the entire state, “ they conclude.

The documents that prove scabies and malnutrition in the largest residence in the Canary Islands

Documents / SER Chain

Document / String SER

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