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Canary Islands designates executing authority to enforce Food Chain Law


The Governing Council approved on Thursday the draft decree designating the executing authority of the Autonomous Community to control compliance with the Food Chain Law.

According to the opinion of the Consultative Council of the Canary Islands, at the joint proposal of the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and the Minister of Public Administrations, Justice and Security and after deliberation by the Governing Council, the Deputy Minister of the Primary Sector is designated as the body appropriate within the organic structure of the autonomous department to carry out the control necessary for compliance with the provisions of Law 12/2013.

One of its main functions includes control, which in accordance with the scope of application of said law, has as its object the commercial relations that take place between the operators that intervene in the food chain, from the production to the distribution of agricultural products or food.

The control actions will have as their object the examination, verification and investigation of the obligations imposed on the operators of the food chain by Law 12/2013 of August 2, of measures to improve the operation of the food chain or regulation that replaces it. , as well as the determination of the commission of possible infractions in terms of food contracting typified in the same law that could give rise to the corresponding sanctioning procedure.

The actions will be carried out by civil servants duly accredited by the executing authority, who will have the status of agents of the authority in the exercise of their functions.

This decree will enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands (BOC).

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