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Canary Islands at the queue of inspections in nursing homes: opacity and lack of control | Radio Club Tenerife | Present

Canarias is the community that carries out the least inspections in its residences and centers for the elderly throughout Spain, only surpassed by Extremadura. The newspaper EL PAÍS has revealed it which points out that up to six very serious sanctions have been imposed on the islands in this type of social health infrastructure. There are only five inspectors for the entire archipelago, three in the Las Palmas province and two in the Santa Cruz de Tenerife province. Until 2019 there were only two Social Rights inspectors for the entire Canary Islands.

The Social Policies inspection service is the one that evaluates the quality of care at the center and it is absolutely deficient, because it is impossible to test the quality of the more than one hundred residences in the Canary Islands with only five people. These people evaluate things as sensitive as hygiene or fall records of the elderly and dependents admitted to these residences. Hygienic sanitary conditions are reviewed by Health inspectors who are also insufficient, although much more numerous: 125 for the entire Canary Islands.

From the association of caregivers and dependents they criticize that human and economic resources are not being provided to the imposed norms and they underline the feeling they have that the Administration always wants to hire the cheapest and uncontrolled. An opaque residential ecosystem and also very little guarded where the Canary Islands come out very badly.. “It is unfeasible from the point of view of social policies to control residences, We do not monitor if the elderly brush their teeth, it is not within our remit“, explains Jafet Nonato, president of the Canary Islands Public Health Inspectors Association.

“When the new Minister of Social Rights arrived, she said that she was going to change things, modernize them and expand the number of staff by putting a budget appropriate to the needs and we continue in the same situation,” denounces Fran Bautista, UGT spokesperson. “If from the health point of view it is impossible to reach all the residences with more than one hundred evaluators, the inspections of social policies are anecdotal “, explains Nonato. “The Cabildo de Tenerife does not make the necessary inspections of its private places, nor the ratio, nor the sanitary conditions, nor the laundry, nothing”, denounces Fran Bautista.

Canary Islands at the bottom of all Spain in number of inspections in residences, only surpassed by Extremadura

According the El País report they have imposed five penalties on the island of Tenerife and one on Gran Canaria, all Tenerife sanctions range between 2017 and 2019 and all Tenerife sanctions have led to the closure of residences. All the sanctions in Tenerife range between 2017 and 2019 and all have led to closures of residences, temporary or permanent. The Santa Ana Residence, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 112,689 closed in 2019 due to the risk to the integrity of the users, also the Sor María de Jesús Residence, Güímar, the Babilonia Hostela Residence even due to obstruction of inspection function, among other.

In the largest residence in the Canary Islands “practices of the last century survive”, the Minister of Health even said

“We are talking about one of the largest residences in Spain, if not the largest“, Blas Trujillo pointed out on January 15, 2021. The Ministry of Health had to intervene in this residence that accumulated more than two hundred positives and more than twenty deaths.” In Santa Rita, deficiencies of all kinds were found that, indeed, will have to evaluate the Prosecutor’s Office. It worries that things of this nature survive in the XXI century“Trujillo lamented. The content of a report sent by Health to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in case what happened there was constitutive of a crime.

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