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Canadians support 30-hour work week

A majority of Canadians believe a 30-hour work week would be a good idea, according to a recent survey by the Angus Reid Institute.

According to the survey carried out between June 8 and 10, 53% of the 1,510 respondents – members of the Angus Reid online responder community – would be in favor of adopting this new schedule (also known as the four-day week ) to allow more people to work. This result represents an increase of 6 percentage points compared to a survey on the same subject held in 2018.

The survey of the past few weeks indicates in particular that “Canadians of all income categories are more receptive to the idea than reserved,” says the polling firm. Support for the 30-hour week is at its highest level among people in the lowest income households, at $ 25,000 and less per year (64%), while it is at the lowest level among families earning more than $ 150,000 a year (47%).

And it was the youngest respondents, those aged 18-34, who showed the most interest in the concept. Men in this age group rated 58% as a good idea, while women the same age shared this opinion at 65%. The people who are the least keen on the idea are the oldest, 55 and over (39% support for men and 53% support for women).

Among the provinces of residence of respondents, Quebec obtained the highest score in this survey, with support of 60%. The least support, 42%, was observed in Alberta.

This survey was conducted at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way things are done in the workplace. With the pandemic, several working methods have been reviewed, such as telework, which is gaining popularity.

“Individuals and organizations see it, each in their respective perspective, as advantages of having to continue or of being able to continue this way of working there,” Caroline Coulombe, professor and researcher in the School’s management department, explained to TVA Nouvelles. UQAM management sciences.

Increase in productivity?

Last year, in Japan, Microsoft closed its offices on Fridays, without reducing the wages of its employees. After which, the company saw a 40% increase in productivity over the previous year.

According to experts, the adoption of the reduced work week in Quebec could well go through telework when bosses and employees have a perfect command of the model.

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