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Canadian repression: can governments now also block crypto?

What is happening in Canada has enormous implications from the point of view of democratic freedoms but also raises a series of very serious questions about the Western financial model, the war against cash and the cryptovalute.

The facts: the protests, increasingly popular, of the truck drivers of the “Freedom Convoy”, joined by hundreds of thousands of Canadian and non-Canadian citizens, they have been paralyzing the capital Ottawa for weeks now.

At first the government tried to use the police force to block the truckers and their supporters, but the result was bankruptcy and the Trudeau government therefore thought that another approach, that of starving them, was more useful.

First, with an unprecedented decision, the GoFoundMe platform has seized, without any ruling from a judge, almost 10 million dollars sent by donors, essential to allow the “truckers” to bear the costs of the protest. This decision is also destined to have legal consequences since two courts too in the US they have opened an investigation to verify the offenses in the behavior of the platform.

The supporters of the struggle of the “Convoy of Freedom” immediately diverted donations to other instruments deemed safer and, in particular, towards cryptocurrencies.

Increasingly determined to block protests, even at the cost of canceling any semblance of the rule of law, the Canadian government has decided to freeze the checking accounts of truckers involved in the lockdowns and to suspend the insurance of their vehicles, all in the absence of any order from a judge, and under “special laws” not yet approved by parliament.

But the most disturbing aspect, from a tactical point of view, concerns the government’s announcement that it is able to identify and freeze donations made through cryptocurrencies.

The Canadian premier would in fact have issued a direct order to the companies regulated by FINTRAC for block transactions with at least 34 wallets of crypto, associated with the Freedom Convoy. The measure would concern 29 addresses of Bitcoin, 2 of Ethereum and one each for Cardano, Monero and Litecoin.

A cryptocurrency wallet is a kind of container that serves to store the Bitcoins or Ethereum purchased on an exchange, but also to send and receive your crypto securely, and on the blocked wallets there would be a total of 1.4 million dollars in Bitcoin.

However, it is not clear whether the Canadian government will really be able to follow up on its threats as it will be difficult to seize the content, especially if the wallets in question are not associated with exchangAnd. Knowing that they are in the sights of the authorities, the holders will realistically have used mixers to make the BTCs disappear by making them untraceable. Epic in this regard the replica of theNunchuk company, which offers a self-custodian wallet service. Upon the judge’s order that he would hand over the data of his customers, and block their transactions, he replied in rhyme:

In any case, whether the government theft succeeds or not, we have entered a new phase characterized by an unprecedented form of authoritarianism, with the new dictatorial regimes that no longer use the physical truncheon on dissidents, but they use technology to block all forms of digital transition which, in contemporary reality, is indispensable to the material life of citizens.

Now you understand why financial institutions, Western governments and the corrupt media have been pushing for the abolition of cash for years with the excuse of the fight against tax evasion despite the fact that the biggest tax evaders on the planet are the large transnational companies that hardly use cash at all?


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