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“Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Controversial Leg Spreading in Korea and Past Protocol Mishaps”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a commemorative photo with National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin-pyo while he was visiting Korea, spreading his legs to match his height.

news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/202305/20/2a276320-47df-4d7d-abde-2f22eb7e4595.jpg?resize=559%2C477&ssl=1" width="559" height="477" layout="responsive" alt="영국 일간지 가디언이 보도한 캐나다 트뤼도 총리의 매너다리. 사진 인터넷 캡처"/>

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau’s manners and legs reported by the British daily Guardian. photo internet capture

Prime Minister Trudeau, who visited Korea on the 16th to commemorate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and Canada, met with Chairman Kim and the leaders of the ruling and opposition parties before giving a speech at the main session of the National Assembly the next day. During the commemorative photo shoot, he spread his legs and lowered his height to match Chairman Kim. Laughter broke out among lawmakers present at the scene of Prime Minister Trudeau’s appearance.

The Guardian, a British daily, reported on the 19th (local time) that Chairman Kim joked with Prime Minister Trudeau and lifted his toe with a height difference of 20 cm, and Prime Minister Trudeau briefly bent down to match Chairman Kim’s height. The Guardian reported that while several Korean media outlets praised Prime Minister Trudeau’s mannered legs as “a heart-warming scene” and “a caring heart,” some Canadians criticized him as “a disgrace to the country.”

news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/202305/20/b611086e-ed52-4185-b904-bce3fa8ed8d3.jpg?resize=559%2C297&ssl=1" width="559" height="297" layout="responsive" alt="2016년 북미 정상회담 때 악수가 엉킨 모습. 사진 인터넷 캡처"/>

A tangled handshake at the 2016 North Korea-US summit. photo internet capture

The Toronto Star, a Canadian daily, also introduced in an article titled ‘Why Prime Minister Trudeau did ‘Manner Bridge’ in Korea’ on the same day, “This posture, which is popular among Korean celebrities, is a sign of respect and is applied to tall people.” did.
Canadian conservative media ‘True North’ reported, “Some Canadians have accused Prime Minister Trudeau of once again disgracing Canada abroad.”

In June 2016, Prime Minister Trudeau also caused controversy when the direction was twisted while shaking hands with former US President Barack Obama and former Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto after a summit meeting. Also, in 2016, the casual act of walking on the beach without a top became a hot topic.

In 2017, during his first handshake with former US President Donald Trump, he grabbed former President Trump’s shoulder with his left hand to avoid being dragged away by him. At the G20 held in Indonesia in November last year, he was also spotted arguing with President Xi Jinping in public.

Reporter Lee Hae-june [email protected]

2023-05-20 05:58:01
#Kim #Jinpyo #Trudeau #burst #bread #action.. #country #disgrace #Canada #surprises #joongang #ilbo

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