Brian McKenna, a renowned Canadian documentary filmmaker and one of the founding producers of CBC’s The Fifth Estate, passed away on Friday at the age of 77. Despite a lengthy illness, he is remembered as a passionate individual who was always willing to ask difficult questions about the history of Canada and the world.
Over the course of his award-winning career, McKenna directed over 20 documentaries about Canada’s role in various wars, including the critically acclaimed series The Valour and the Horror. Though this series faced controversy upon its release, the filmmaker never shied away from tackling controversial topics throughout his career.
McKenna also advocated for press freedom and against the kidnapping of journalists. In fact, he founded Canadian Journalists for Free Expression to protect journalists and ensure their voices were heard.
Despite his many achievements, McKenna remained devoted to his family and loved spending time with them. His daughter Robin, who is a filmmaker herself, fondly remembers the inspiring moments she shared with her father while accompanying him on film shoots. He also enjoyed poetry and art, and often encouraged his children to have their own opinions and disagree with him during dinner conversations.
In addition to his contributions to the world of documentary filmmaking and press freedom advocacy, McKenna is also remembered for dining with Fidel Castro, filming in North Korea, drinking vodka in the Soviet Union with Wayne Gretzky and Vladislav Tretiak, and sharing Montreal dinners with Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
McKenna’s loss is deeply felt by his life partner Renée Baert, his children Robin, Katie, Conor, Emma, and Tess, his grandchildren Leo, Aedan, and Dylan, and his siblings William, Joan, John, and Terence. His lifelong friend Stephen Phizicky also mourns his passing.