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Canacintra creates love for Cajeme in minors

With the “Best Young People for a Better Future” camp, the aim is to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in adolescents

By: Francisco Minjares

Encourage the amor for its Municipality and promote the spirit entrepreneur from an early age, is what they seek industrial with the summer camp Canacintra “Better Youth for a Better Future“in which they participate minors from 13 to 17 years of age.

The president of the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra) in ObregonAdriana Torres de la Huerta, explained that three adolescents are registered and it is expected that this Wednesday another two will join, who have the opportunity to talk with businessmen, entrepreneurs and public figures of the Municipality, in addition to helping them find their vocation from an early age.

He added that both industrial as the youth team of Canacintra seek to work closely and sow the amor for their region in adolescents during this camp that started on Monday, July 25 and will end on August 3, which has a cost of 750 pesos with the possibility of being sponsored by one of the members of the chamber for those who still want to register.

“In the case of this camp we have some of our affiliates who are making scholarship contributions for adolescents who want to participate, they are adolescents who are generating their life purpose and in that part we want to contribute as a chamber, as a society and as human beings” , abounded.

President of the Youth Club industrialManuel Barba, said that different topics and activities will be addressed in the camp that meets twice a week.

“We are going to touch on many issues of a different nature, for example financial issues, generating a sense of belonging to our city, let that pride of being from Ciudad Obregón grow, let them see that it can also grow, things can also be done” , he detailed.

In more practical topics, there will be marketing forums and business laboratories so that they can reinforce what was seen during the course and close with a product expo.

The four modules that will be addressed in the course are Finance, Pride for my City, Leadership and Management, while the fourth module is the closing and conclusions.

Teenagers interested in registering for the camp can call 644-255-3835 where they will be given more information.

With regard to commitments to industrial made by the governor Alfonso Durazo During her visit to the city, the president of the Canacintra said that entrepreneurs from the Ciudad Industrial Park will meet this Wednesday Obregon to follow up on the issue of rehabilitation of that area in which it will be done with a bipartite investment and with resources that will go 50 percent private initiative and 50 percent state government.

As regards the industrialwhich is to present the project, it will be done as soon as possible so that these works can be carried out as soon as possible for the benefit of the business community and the entire Municipality, since it would help to have more investment in the locality.

This camp seeks to sow among adolescents to reap in the coming years with young people who want to undertake and grow the Municipality.

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