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Can you get COVID twice in 90 days? This is what specialists say – El Financiero

In the United States, ten people who contracted delta variant COVID-19 were reinfected with omicron less than 90 days after their first infectionnoted a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

This report describes 10 patients from four US states (Vermont, Wisconsin, Washington, and Rhode Island) with omicron variant infections, eight of whom were under 18 years of age and one of whom was 11.

The first cases of omicron reinfection occurred within 90 days of a previous confirmed infection by Delta, and the shortest interval between one infection and another was 23 days for the Washington individual.

Of these cases, nine patients showed symptoms for an average of 9 days while infected with the delta variant; however, during reinfection with omicron, only six were symptomatic within a five-day period.

“The findings of this case series may not be generalizable to the US population and are specific to the transition period between variant dominance Delta and Omicron. However, this study highlights the potential limits of infection-induced immunity against new variants”, indicate the authors of the study.

According to the CDC, only one of the patients had received a full series of primary COVID-19 vaccinations but was not yet receiving a booster, while the other nine were not up-to-date on recommended vaccinations, so it was inferred. that they could have a increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection due to low vaccination rates.

Given these facts, the authors of the study indicated that “vaccination remains the safest strategy to prevent future SARS-CoV-2 infections.”

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