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can you catch the virus on the terrace? Experts respond

Through Emeline Shipping on May 21, 2021 at 10:26 AM

Since May 19, the French can once again enjoy the terraces. With the overflows, one can only wonder if it is possible to catch Covid-19 outdoors.

The French can once again meet on the terrace to have a few drinks or eat. With the overflows in some cities, one can only worry about the spread of Covid-19.

A possible spread of the virus on the terrace?

May 19, 2021 will surely remain etched in the memory of the French. After more than seven months of closure, the terraces were able to reopen their doors and welcome customers. Many French people gathered to have a few drinks or to eat. The terraces were crowded and some people did not respect the curfew.

The French are gradually regaining their freedom and are very happy to enjoy the terraces with the arrival of fine weather. But then, can we catch the Covid-19 a terrace? Many experts have looked into the question.

For them, there is nothing to worry about. The French can enjoy the terraces as long as the barrier gestures are respected.It is not the external gatherings which are the source of the vast majority of contaminations. The virus is transmitted mainly through the air. And contamination by aerosols outdoors is almost impossible“, said the epidemiologistMartin Blachier in Ouest France.

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We must continue to respect barrier gestures

To be outside would also be much less dangerous than to gather in a closed place.Diffusion is actually much lower outdoors and fortunately, because the air circulates better and the virus is a little destroyed by ultraviolet rays in particular“, declared professor Pierre Tattevin for our colleagues.

The French must all the same remain cautious and respect a certain social distancing.But in such promiscuous conditions as we saw on Wednesday, there was certainly transmission of the virus.“, he added. Getting together with friends is therefore possible, but we must not forget that the virus is still active.

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