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Can you ask your children when they will start having children? † Join the conversation

Kris is the mother of six children and grandmother of eleven grandchildren. She is a business manager for her daughters and son. Kendall is Kris’s second youngest daughter. She is the only one in her family who does not have a child yet. “My mother texts me out of the blue: ‘It’s time.’ As if I have nothing to say about it myself.” Kendall can laugh that her mother sends these kinds of messages.


In 2020, the model said that she wants to focus on her modeling career in the coming years. In 2018, Kendall told Vogue that she doesn’t start thinking seriously about children until she is 28 or 29.


Discussing with your son or daughter when they are going to have children is in itself a fairly normal topic. As a mother, you may still want to know if you will ever become a grandmother.

not to you

On the other hand, as a mother, it’s not up to you to bring it up. When your child is ready to become a father or mother, you will automatically be notified.

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Can you ask your children when they will start having children? Or do you think that you as a mother should not interfere with that? Join the conversation on our Facebook-page!

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