More than a year after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is well known that the eyes can be a means of infection when they come into contact with saliva droplets infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Although it has been an underestimated means of transmission, an observational study found that the routine use of glasses for more than eight hours per day had a protective effect apparent against the infection of the new coronavirus.
On the other hand, another large study found that 19 percent of healthcare workers became infected with COVID despite wearing three-layer surgical masks, gloves, shoe covers, and alcohol ointment.
This situation changed after the introduction of face shields, as they stopped being infected.
According to the medical journal The Lancet, the area of the ocular surface, including the periocular structures, is large compared to the surface of the mouth and nostrils, making it readily available for the deposition of infected droplets.
Yes OK tear film protects the ocular surface, too provides an unrecognized vehicle for the transport of viruses to the nose. In addition, the most superficial lipid tear film layer is likely to attract SARS-CoV-2 for its properties.
“There is strong circumstantial evidence that person-to-person transmission may be mediated by virus-laden particles that enter the eyes and tear film that are transmitted relatively quickly through the tear drainage to a nasopharyngeal reservoir.”
The use of masks to cover the nose and mouth provides variable protection, ease of use and comfort, but may be inappropriate when worn for long periods of time. In addition, according to a 2020 meta-analysis, the use of surgical masks in non-healthcare settings was not associated with a significant reduction in the incidence of acute respiratory diseases.
In this sense, face masks have the dual purpose of preventing the transmission of drops and protecting the user.
However, various eye protectors may not preclude circumventing the air currents. Added to this, they can obstruct vision, fog up or get in the way, and when worn as part of a helmet device, they reduce communication.
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