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Can we fly to Bali soon? Progress on the way to normalizing relations with Indonesia

One of the most beautiful, special, delicious and cheap destinations in the world is Bali in Indonesia. Already today, when relations between Israel and Indonesia have not yet normalized, many Israelis visit the destination with a foreign passport. Now, significant progress has been made towards normalizing relations between the countries. Can we fly there soon? We checked.

Indonesia is interested in joining the OECD countries, among which is Israel. In order to enter that prestigious list of countries, Israel’s consent is needed and for this to happen, Israel expressed their desire to normalize relations with Indonesia.

Israel’s request was received positively in Indonesia, but is still far from being approved. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world and in order for the normalization of relations with Israel to be approved, there is still a long way to go, which includes the approval of the authorities there and the manner in which the country’s residents will accept the rapprochement with Israel, of course.

The Foreign Ministry confirms to Israel Hayom that there is indeed a rapprochement between the countries and contacts to normalize relations. This is a long process until things actually happen, if there are no glitches along the way. According to estimates, if relations between Israel and Indonesia are indeed eventually normalized, it will take about two years before we can fly and vacation in Bali. Here too, it is important to take the matter as a limited guarantee, as there may be many bumps in the road to normalizing relations, and even if it is approved, there may also be delays beyond the estimated time.

Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia, photo: AFP

As you may remember, last year the Under-20 Soccer World Cup (known as the “Mondialito”) was supposed to take place in Bali and moved to Argentina due to Israel’s participation.

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