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can we cover the pandemic risk?

Since the start of the covid 19 epidemic, many companies and restaurateurs have been in conflict with their insurer to be able to be compensated. The standoff pushed Bercy to study the establishment of a pandemic risk, pushing it back for the moment.

No compulsory pandemic insurance announced Monday, December 7, 2020, Bruno Lemaire, the Minister of the Economy; while specifying that the premiums paid to insurers by some companies in the hardest hit sectors would not be increased in 2021. Since the start of the covid 19 epidemic, many companies and restaurateurs have been in conflict with their insurer to be able to be compensated. The standoff pushed Bercy to study the establishment of a pandemic risk. What do the insurance contracts provide for? Is it desirable to take this risk into account in the future? Is it viable, for businesses as well as for insurers?

Guillaume Erner receives Luc Mayaux, professor of private law at the University of Lyon III, director of the Institut des assurances de Lyon, director of the Revue générale du droit des assurances, author in particular of the book “Les grandes questions du droit des assurances”, ed. LGDJ.

You can listen to the interview in full by clicking on the player at the top left of this page.

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