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Can Vitiligo Patients Get Covid-19 Vaccination?

Vitiligo patients are advised to always maintain their immune system to prevent covid.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Patients with autoimmune disorders vitiligo can get COVID-19 vaccination with a number of conditions. Dr. dr. Reiva Farah Dwiyana, SpKK(K), PhD, FINSDV, FAADV from Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung said the condition was that autoimmune vitiligo was not spreading.

“Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease that is not very massively active like lupus, so a COVID-19 vaccination can be done. But if vitiligo is active, there are lots of dots and white hair, the vaccine should be postponed first,” said Dr Reiva, Friday (25/6).

The teaching staff at the Department of Dermatology and Venereology of FK UNPAD also reminded vitiligo patients to always maintain their immunity. “Foods that are avoided, for example, are preservatives, contain dyes and frozen food,” he said.

Vitiligo is an acquired depigmented disease of the skin, mucous membranes, and hair. Vitiliho has characteristic lesions in the form of milky white (depigmented) macules with clear boundaries and progressively increasing in size due to the loss of functional melanocytes.

The occurrence of Vitiligo is caused by the death of melanocyte cells in charge of producing color in the skin. The cause of cell death can be caused by several factors such as genetics or heredity, autoimmune diseases, and external factors such as sunburn, or chemicals.

In the case of vitiligo, if early symptoms can be detected and immediately get the right treatment, this disease can be prevented from developing in the patient’s body. The global prevalence of vitiligo, which is about 0.5 percent to 2 percent, is not different from the prevalence in Indonesia.

The population of men and women who experience this disease is balanced. However, in female patients and cases of vitiligo in children, psychosocial problems are more visible and become a problem.

source: between

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