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Can turn on gas power plants in winter – VG

If immediate measures are needed to prevent electricity rationing this winter, one of the possible measures is to facilitate the production of gas-fired electricity in Mongstad.


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This is what the Minister of Oil and Energy Terje Aasland (Ap) affirms in his report to Storting on the electricity crisis.

– These are measures that can be implemented if the probability of rationing becomes high.

He points out that rationing is not likely, but that the government is making all necessary preparations for even the most unlikely outcomes.

The Mongstad gas plant was to be closed on August 30, but this was postponed because the energy situation in Norway had to be investigated until 1 October.

The government unveiled its plan to tackle the energy crisis and skyrocketing electricity prices on Monday, in a statement by the Energy Minister. The statement comes after the government unveiled the government on Friday its new power support package for business.

93 proposals is on the table when the Storting discusses the electricity crisis on Monday. At the beginning of the meeting, all opposition parties presented proposals and both Rødt and FRP asked for urgent treatment.

– There is no point in deciding that we have enough

In his presentation, Aasland states that there are few things that can help in the short term – and that you can’t just go for a lower price when lack of potency is the problem.

– In the long run, there are only three measures that really promise to improve the situation in Norway’s energy supply: more energy, more grids and more efficient use of our energy, says Aasland.

Aasland says the government’s short-term priority is to protect high-priced people, organizations and businesses by spending NOK 44 billion until 2022.

He says the government will continue to address the difficult situation with action, but at the same time he warns against solutions that are too easy, which he believes do not exist.

– I would like to warn against the solutions that some have come up with where a low price of electricity is adopted as a solution to a situation of low fill and lack of energy in Europe. When lack of energy is the problem, there is no point in deciding that we have enough.

Aasland lists the following measures the government has introduced against runaway electricity prices.

ATTENTION: On Monday afternoon the Minister of Oil and Energy Terje Aasland (Ap) during the presentation at Storting.

– Obvious signs of overheating

Aasland says the government has come up with a number of proposals to help ordinary people with their electricity bills.

At the same time, he warns against opening the doors of state money:

– We will continue to take measures as the situation demands it from us, says Aasland and adds:

– However, it is crucial that these are balanced against the situation of the Norwegian economy, where there are clear signs of overheating. This means that the time to use more oil money to solve the challenges is over, now we have to use less oil money, otherwise it will affect ordinary people and businesses in the form of higher prices and faster interest rate hikes, he says. .

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LEFT 1: Liberal leader Guri Melby presented proposals from the podium.

VG wrote it on Monday the government plans to go directly to its preferred partner, SV, to negotiate additional support for electricity, and that otherwise there isn’t much to be done. SV wants one new electric support for families.

During his statement to Storting, Aasland said the government will address the issue of increasing electricity support for households to 90%, as previously announced, in order to file a case with Storting on September 30.

– An attack on Europe

Aasland says we live in a time of war in Europe, where Putin’s war has at least two dimensions: a brutal war of aggression in Ukraine and the use of gas as a weapon against Europe.

Russia’s energy attack on Europe aims to create economic unrest and
division with important consequences for people, workplaces and companies. This has
contributed to an energy crisis with energy shortages. Several countries feel this
energy rationing until winter cannot be ruled out, he says.

He points out that rationing has also been mentioned as a possibility in Norway, although the Norwegian energy authorities consider the probability to be low.

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CLEAR: Terje Aasland (Ap) and the Minister of Agriculture Sandra Borch (Sp) have a short chat before the presentation of electricity by the government.

– Like Norway, the EU and every single country are working with solutions like
it will lighten people, businesses and workplaces and help adapt in one
energy shortage situation, says Aasland.

– Even with a large-scale development of renewable energies, Europe will completely depend on gas to balance the electricity market and secure energy supply.

It indicates it The European Commission has started working with several new measures to deal with the extremely difficult energy situation, including a solidarity contribution from gas producers with skyrocketing incomes.

– As we see it now, the proposals will not have a direct effect on the energy situation in Norway.

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