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Can Trigger a Heart Attack, Avoid These 7 Habits

KOMPAS.comHeart is a vital organ in the human body. When heart cannot work optimally, the work of other body organs will also be disturbed.

Hence, to keep heart health What you need to do is live a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet.

Unfortunately, there are some habits that we unknowingly can trigger heart attack. whereas heart attack including a very deadly disease.

Quoted from Every HealthHere are seven habits that can trigger a heart attack.

Also read: Beware of Cardiac Arrest at a Young Age, These are the Causes and Symptoms

1. Sit all day

According to a study published in January 2014 in the American Heart Association (AHA), the journal “Circulation: Heart Failure”, people who have a habit of sitting for 5 hours or more have a heart attack risk 2 times than those who are active.

Therefore, if you are required to work at the computer and sit all day, don’t forget to make time to stand up occasionally or at least take a little walk for 5 minutes every hour.

These small changes to your routine are helpful in protecting yourself against the negative effects of a sedentary body, such as keeping arteries flexible and blood flowing properly.

2. Drinking too much alcohol

The habit of consuming too many alcoholic beverages also has a bad impact on heart conditions. Because, the habit of drinking alcohol can cause high blood pressure, stroke, to obesity.

These conditions increase the risk heart disease. The AHA reports that excessive drinking of alcohol can disrupt an individual’s normal heart rhythm and lead to heart failure.

Also read: 7 Trivial Habits That Can Cause a Heart Attack

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3. Often stressed

Avoid excessive stress so that the heart condition does not worsen. Quoting Everyday Health, stress can spur the body to release adrenaline, which temporarily affects body functions, namely:

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