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Can they be fined if you don’t answer in the 2020 Census? – Televisa News

Here we explain if the Mexican authorities they can fine you if you don’t answer at questions from Inegi during the 2020 census.

We recommend you: What are the questions of the 2020 Census conducted by the Inegi?

Do not answer the questions in the census of the Inegi of this year would imply fines of 443.40 pesos up to 43 thousand 440 pesos as established by Law of the National System of Statistical Information and Geography.

The sanctions range from 5 to 500 Units of Measurement and Update (UMA) which currently stands at 86.88 pesos.

Regarding administrative offenses and penalties, the Law of the National System of Statistical Information and Geography warns in its Article 103 in its first two subsections that infringements are committed by informants who:

Refuse to provide data, reports or display documents when they must do so, within the period indicated.

Provide false, incomplete or inconsistent data.

With information from Inegi


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