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Can the disease polio be cured?

KOMPAS. com – Poliomyelitis or polio is a disease that is transmitted from person to person, caused by polio virus.

Polio virus it attacks the nervous system, so in severe cases, it can cause paralysis, in which parts of the body are unable to move. This paralysis can be lifelong and can even be life-threatening.

Read also: What are the symptoms of polio and how are they transmitted?

The polio virus is highly contagious. Generally, the polio virus is spread through contact with the feces (feces) of an infected person and droplets from an infected person’s sneeze or cough.

This contact can occur if:

– You touch contaminated feces or droplets on your hands and then touch your mouth.

– A child puts a contaminated toy or other object into his or her mouth.

– Sharing food or utensils with someone who is infected with polio.

Infected people can transmit the polio virus to others before and up to several weeks after symptoms appear. People who are infected with the polio virus and have no symptoms can still pass the polio virus on to other people and make them sick.

Read also: Does polio only affect children?

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/sains/image/2022/11/22/190500223/apakah-penyakit-polio-bisa-sembuh-?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">Live science Illustration of the polio virus

Until now, there was no cure for polio, so there was no way to cure it faster or prevent paralysis.

However, most people recover without long-term damage. However, muscle weakness or paralysis can be permanent.

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