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Can the coronavirus be transmitted by aerosol, a more invasive mode?

The question of whether the coronavirus can be transmitted by aerosol is important because it calls into question the measures taken by the various governments as well as by each citizen. Indeed, if avoiding direct contact with infected people and maintaining good hygiene, with regular hand washing, can limit the spread of a virus which is not transmitted or only transmitted by aerosol, this latter mode of transmission could change the gives and make them insufficient.

In fact, aerosol transmission means that enough airborne micro-droplets are enough to infect a person. It is therefore necessary for this to be in contact, relatively close all the same and for a certain time, with an infected person.

“Not a driving engine element”

“With aerosol transmission, the virus is found in much finer particles, so it can be transmitted much further. It is possible in the hospital environment. But outside, it is something else. And in the report WHO experts in China, Chinese experts, the most experienced in the field of coronavirus at the moment, say black and white that aerosol transmission is possible, but that it is not a driving force of transmission “, says Marius Gilbert, researcher in biological control at the ULB. He reminds us that it is better to avoid touching objects in regular contact with people, such as doorknobs or keyboards of dispensers for example.

Marc Wathelet, another researcher who has worked on coronaviruses, has a very clear opinion on the question. For him, the government pursues an ostrich policy and does not take “extreme measures that are necessary“. According to the latter, unlike Sras and Mers, Covid-19 is transmissible by aerosol.

A whole series of clues shows that it is possible. In addition, half of the cases are due to asymptomatic transmission. So not by transmission by postilion. The person does not cough, does not know that he is sick. This suggests that transmission is by aerosol“, he tells us.”In some cases today, we do not see upper respiratory tract infections but directly pneumonia. It’s a sign of aerosol infection because the droplets are much finer“, according to him.

If all the scientists do not agree on the subject, and that the WHO is more nuanced, Marc Wathelet believes that the authorities do not realize the magnitude of the problem.

“In 40 days, there will be 200,000 cases in Belgium”

If we follow what the epidemiology says, there will be too many cases for the hospital system to deal with. So strict action must be taken now. I calculate that in 40 days, there will be 200,000 cases in Belgium. If the whole population does not mobilize immediately, we will find ourselves in a very difficult situation“, he warns, before adding that”people are not prepared for the concept of a pandemic. The last one was in 1917-1918. We don’t remember that anymore. The government does absolutely nothing what it should be done“.

According to him, all public events like Batibouw or other such shows should be canceled until a solution is found to control the spread of the virus.

Anne Simon, hygienist, reminds us for her elementary and essential gestures in this period: “Everyone has an interest in washing their hands. At what rate? It depends on what we touched. But it has to be a reflex. You have to do it often. There are actually two rules: hand hygiene and cough hygiene“, she said. In summary, you should not cough in your hands and the best is to cough in a handkerchief and throw it directly in the trash. She recalls that the virus is not very resistant to the open air, but can still last for several hours.

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