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can protect against infection – scientists

Israeli scientists have found that a popular antipyretic drug aspirin can prevent coronavirus infection and shorten the duration of illness.

The study was conducted by a team of specialists from Leumit Health Care Services, Bar-Ilan University and Barzilai Medical Center. The Jerusalem Post.

Scientists analyzed data from approximately 10,000 Israelis who were tested for COVID-19 between February 1 and June 30, 2020.

Researchers compared those who regularly take low doses of aspirin as a medicine for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, from those who don’t… They found that the first group has a 29% lower chance of contracting the virusthan the second.

“This observation of the possible beneficial effects of low-dose aspirin on COVID-19 infection is preliminary but seems very promising,” said Professor Eli Magen of Barzilai Medical Center, who led the study.

The study also noticed that those who took aspirin and contracted the coronavirus recovered on average two or three days fasterthan people who didn’t. Besides, the time it takes these patients to get a negative test result for the virus after a positive test, was much less… Doctors said they intend to continue studying this issue.

As reported OBOZREVATEL earlier, Israel said on March 4 that the country became the first in the worlddefeating the coronavirus. This was made possible by a fast and effective COVID-19 vaccination campaign, the PM said.

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