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Can Meat Be ‘Growed’ in Space? Check Out This Explanation Come On!

Ilustrasi alam semesta / Freepik

JAKARTA, kilat.com- When humans create a community outside spacewhat will they eat?

After thousands of studies were carried out to find out whether plants could grow in space, this winding journey finally paid off.

Radish, lettuce, cabbage and pakcoy managed to grow well after the vegetable graft process on the International Space Station (ISS). This vegetable that has successfully grown will be used as food reserves for astronauts who are on long-term missions.

This success does not necessarily make researchers satisfied and proud. A new study was conducted to find out whether cells from meat could be grown and grown in space.

Growing flesh from cells is a difficult experiment, both on Earth and in space. The process can be said to be quite long and complicated. This study also aims to prove whether cells from meat can grow back into whole meat.

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Cells derived from beef or other animal meat usually contain amino acids and carbohydrates that can support the growth process of meat.

These cells will form muscle which can then become a whole meat. This process is called “cultivation” or “proliferation”.

The meat is grown in large tanks and will be left to sit for some time. This process has no potential to upset the balance in space because it helps reduce methane emissions.

Although this research has proven to work well, until now the meat grown from the cultivation process has never been served in any restaurant. (Patricia Anjani)

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