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Can Masturbation Really Boost the Immune System?

Just between us, how many times have you masturbating in a day? More than once? It does not matter. Masturbation itself is a normal biological activity and has benefits if done wisely.

Research in the United States (USA) published in the journal Sexuality & Culture 2019 says that masturbation has health benefits for both men and women, such as:

  • Relieve stress
  • Repair mood
  • Painkiller experience
  • Relieves stomach cramps during menstruation

However, still for many people, masturbation or masturbation is considered taboo. There are also those who say that this sexual activity can affect immune system, making it decrease. From a medical point of view, is this really true?

1. Effects of masturbation on the immune system

masturbation illustration (unsplash.com/Dainis Graveris)

A German study entitled “Effects of sexual arousal on lymphocyte subset circulation and cytokine production in man” in the journal Neuroimmunomodulation in 2004 involved 11 male volunteers to masturbate to orgasm. The researchers took blood samples during masturbation and during sexual inactivity to look for immune markers in the blood such as:

  • Leukocytes
  • Lymphocytes
  • Lipopolysaccharide-induced interleukin 6 (IL-6) (LPS)
  • Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α)

Measurements were taken during no sexual activity, before orgasm, and 5 and 45 minutes after orgasm. As a result, masturbation can temporarily increase innate immune components, namely leukocytes and natural killer (NK) cells, to fight cancer tumor cells and virus-infected cells.

2. Experts: do not swallow the study raw

Masturbation Makes You Easily Sick?  This is the Truth!illustration of the immune system (chiroeco.com)

Studies in Germany have been widely cited to support the health benefits of masturbation. However, reported Medical News Today, experts ask the public not to just believe it. Professor of Public Health at New Mexico State University, USA, Dr. Jagdish Khubchandani, gave three reasons, namely:

  • The sample of 11 people is too small to be proof of the benefits of masturbation
  • No follow-up trials on the participants
  • The participants were considered healthy, thus creating a bias

“Then, the biggest concern is that the increase in immune markers is temporary. This cannot guarantee long-term immune enhancement or protection from disease,” said Jagdish.

Also Read: Do You Masturbate Often? Find out the answer here

3. Can masturbation prevent prostate cancer?

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Masturbation Makes You Easily Sick?  This is the Truth!penis illustration (pixabay.com/derneuemann)

A US study published in the journal European Urology 2016 involved 31,925 male participants who answered questions about the frequency of masturbation over 18 years. The goal is to see the relationship of masturbation with risk prostate cancer.

Researchers have found that masturbation is up to ejaculation which is more frequent means a lower risk of prostate cancer. However, this study has shortcomings, namely inaccurate and incomplete data, and inconsistent research on sexual activity and prostate cancer.

4. Research on the benefits of masturbation on women’s health is still very minimal

Masturbation Makes You Easily Sick?  This is the Truth!illustration of masturbation in women (unsplash.com/Dainis Graveris)

Another problem is the lack of research on masturbation on women’s health. One US study published in Journal of Sexual Medicine 2014 is one that examines the connection of masturbation and the rate of depression affecting the immune response of women.

As a result, female participants with high levels of depression produced a low immune response. However, these results did not associate masturbation frequency with immune markers. In addition, matters regarding the potential relationship of depression, sexual activity (masturbation), and women’s immunity remain gray.

5. Conclusion: masturbation has benefits, but not for the immune system

Masturbation Makes You Easily Sick?  This is the Truth!illustration of man masturbating (pexels.com/Emma Filer)

Due to limited data on both men and women, masturbation is said to increase immune activity. Male and holistic health specialist, Dr. Jerry Bailey, said that the increase in arousal and hormones when orgasm can increase immune cells and hormones.

“The increased state of arousal and hormone release during and after orgasm boosts immune cells and hormones. These effects can last up to 24 hours after orgasm. However, the greatest benefit is felt 60 minutes after orgasm,” said Jerry.

Masturbation Makes You Easily Sick?  This is the Truth!masturbation illustration (unsplash.com/Deon Black)

So, is it true that masturbation can prevent viral infections? Although it seems potential, but this sexual activity in fact does not have a strong enough influence on the immune system to prevent the invasion of pathogens.

“Masturbation is not for developing long-term or sustained immunity,” Jagdish emphasizes.

However, it must be admitted, masturbation can bring other benefits such as increasing sleep quality, relieve stress, and improve mood. The key? Control it so it’s not overdone!

That’s a fact about the relationship between masturbation and the immune system. If you want optimal endurance, what you need to do is maintain a healthy balanced nutritious diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and be able to manage stress well.

Also read: 7 Safe Ways to Overcome Horny Suddenly in Public Places So You Don’t Get Masturbated

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