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Can Kathryn Garcia become the next mayor of New York? | Shows Al Punto

that voters elect anew mayor in the majorpís city. the exhealth commissioner kathryngaría, has been endorsed bythe newspapers the new yorktimes and the daily news. and bywe invite her here toProgram.kathryn garía, thank you forbe with us. the firsttime in the program likecandidate.garía: thanks for inviting me.ramos: let me beginasking him something aboutyou. with a surname likegaría, do you consider yourselfpart of the Latino community?Brooklyn and I consider myself partpartially from the communitylatin. because my children arehalf Puerto Ricans and I’mvery conscious of liveswhat are they experiencingalso. i feel the samelucky to live 2son live now 13 blocksof í. it’s extremely importanthave the family close.bouquets: you have been supportedfor the newspaper the new yorktimes y el new york daily newsto become the nextnew York. he’s also 14years of experience within thegovernment. Why new york,such a liberal city, neverhas chosen a woman asmayoress?Garía: what is, is shocking.after almost 400 years nothey have chosen no one yetthat represents half of theelectorate. it’s time fornew york choose a woman,but it is also someonethat you understand how theneed. now that we go outof the covid, strengthen theeconomy, ensuring that there isopportunities and create amore livable city and moreaffordable.your campaign and recentlyyou attended 2 candidates fromsexist. Could youexplain why he kissed themOuch?private have been suggestingthat I could be a verygood vice mayor, insteadof the mayor herself. of whatI can do the jobWhy not support mychoice?ramos: let me ask youover new york. thousands ofpeople have left the citydue to the pandemic and alsoif we compare the city withothers like shanghai orsingapore, we notice that newYork is way behind in whatWhich refers toinfrastructure, to spacespublic and growing.What is your plan fornew york recover?garía: this should be amore livable city and I’mcommitted to whatthey call “25×25”, making ofour streets 25% wingseco-logical, create squares andexperience you see in so manyother citiesinternational must be donea critical investment ininfrastructure because it isRight. what also createsjobs. but for what whenexperience the city feelthat satisfies you a lot, alreadywhether you are a pedestrian or a cyclist. you knowwhat happens when it is there?we have seen that the little onesbusinesses increase theirincome.ramos: how would you help himto many Latinos and othersminorities that don’t have awork, they can’t paythe rent, what do you losethe place where they are livingto get ahead?garía: 2 things. first there isthan to open the economy. I knowtry to support little onesbusinesses that are 50% ofprivate sector employment, witha permit from the city. aretoo bureaucratic, with0% small loansbusinesses, so they canopen, stay open andbe strong, but alsohave the utilitiessafe. the children back tothe school. when we dothat, we will see that the economyas to the possible cliffof evictions, whenlift the moratoriums, there arealmost 2 billion dollarsat the state level that they shouldtenants to help them.but also ensure thattenants havelegal representation in thecourt.ramos: and let me finish withWhat is your favorite place ofthe city? What is whatyou do with your familywhen it is not beinghaunted by reporters?Garía: Be very honest.I’m sure I’m going to be at the house ofmy mom or in the restaurant ofmy sister. has been closeda time due to covid.holding on until theeconomy recovers again.ramos: kathryn garía, thank youfor being here with us.garía: thanks for inviting meand it was a pleasure.

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