10 to 12 percent of children between the ages of 4 and 6 snore daily. Fae was one of them. “She started to snore very much around the age of three”, her mother Sigrid van Vliet tells EditieNL. “She had quite a cold, so first we left it as it was.”
‘Not to love’
But the snoring continued even after the cold. “It was unbearable. She loved to lie in bed with us, but I put her back every time she snored so hard.”
Fae also had pauses in breathing while sleeping. “She woke up tired as a result and was tired all day.” When she was five, Sigrid took her to the doctor. “The doctors suggested removing the tonsils and tonsils. Given her complaints, this was the only solution, according to the hospital.”
However, parents do not have to worry in all cases, says ENT pediatrician Bas Pullens. “Snoring can be harmless. It is only dangerous if children have breathing difficulties. It could be sleep apnea,” he tells EditieNL. One to four percent of healthy children between the ages of 1 and 18 suffer from this.
“There is nothing wrong if the child just sleeps through the snoring. But there are children who snore where the breathing stagnates. That is apnea, also called OSAS (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome). Every time the child wakes up for a moment. and that is unhealthy in the long run. ” This most often occurs in children with obesity, genetic disorders and allergies.
It can have harmful effects on behavior. “Such as children who start wetting the bed again and children who are hyperactive or very tired.” It can also cause physical complaints in severe cases. “It can cause your child to not grow well or get heart problems. But that’s very rare.”
General practitioner
If you suspect that your child is suffering from OSAS, it is best to go to the doctor. “They will initially recommend a nasal spray or nasal rinse with salt water,” says Pullens. If the complaints persist, it may be that the tonsils and tonsils are in the way.
That turned out to be the case with Fae. Since her tonsils have been removed, she is much better rested. “Actually, the fatigue disappeared immediately. We are very happy about that,” says her mother.