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Can Indicate Serious Illness, Don’t Take Head and Neck Pains lightly


Headaches or aches and pains in the neck area for a short period of time are considered normal by some people. Photo Illustration/Freepik

JAKARTA – In general, headaches or aches/pains in the neck area for a short period of time or at least within a day or two are considered normal by some people.

Headaches or neck pain can range from mild to severe. Generally, headaches can be treated with over-the-counter painkillers. However, for headaches that are triggered by serious illnesses, further treatment is needed.

Neurosurgeon Specialist at Siloam Semanggi Hospital/Mochtar Riady Comperhensive Cancer Center (MRCCC) Dr. dr. Agus Mahendra Inggas Sp.BS explained, headaches and neck pain cannot be underestimated. Because if not addressed immediately, it can have a bad impact on health.

Also Read: Characteristics of Nasopharyngeal Cancer, Nosebleeds to Headaches

“The public must understand why headaches and neck pain must be treated immediately. Because medically speaking, headaches, such as dizziness, balance disorders, such as vertigo, etc. in the head. If this is felt continuously, immediately checked into the hospital. Do not delay, “said Dr. Agus Mahendra in a healthy talk on the MRCCC Instagram live channel, recently.

Headaches were identified as primary and secondary. Primary is pain or headache of ‘unknown’ cause. Secondary headaches are pain or headaches with a known cause.

The Visual Analog Score (VAS) method was used to measure the intensity and ‘grade’ of the headache. Assessment of the ‘frequency’ of this headache is considered important to establish the diagnosis.

“This means, we have to be vigilant if the frequency of headaches that are felt is getting more frequent and lasts for quite a long time,” said Dr. Agus Mahendra.

Also Read: Migraines, 7 Signs of a Life -Threatening Headache

Dr Agus continued, if the headache is accompanied by several or one of the side symptoms, such as hoarseness, stiff neck and radiating to the shoulders of the arms, so that eyesight becomes unfocused and hearing is impaired, you should be alert.

“Because headache can be an indicator of a serious neurological disease, namely symptoms of stroke, brain tumor, brain blood vessel abnormalities, and brain infection. This means that early detection and medical treatment must be carried out immediately,” said Dr. Agus Mahendra.

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