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Can i travel to Italy? The current Corona regulations for entry

Italy opens the borders, but there is a but …

Good news for all lovers of the Italian way of life: Now the travel restrictions are finally over. EU citizens have been allowed to enter the country again since June 3. This was not possible for around three months – Italy is one of the hardest hit European countries by the Corona crisis. But what about on site? Can we eat pizza undisturbed and bask in the sun? RTL reporter Kyrill Ring was there on the day the border was opened and was looking around for you. You can see what it looks like on site and what he has to report in the video.

Can we go to Italy again at all?

These rules apply to holidays in Italy

No fuel or coffee stop in Austria on the trip to Italy

Italy allows travelers from the EU countries, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Great Britain to enter. However, anyone traveling by car to Italy via Austria must expect restrictions: Holidaymakers have to fill in a confirmation at the border that they will leave the country “as quickly as possible”, as the BR reports. In addition: “Anyone who comes to the Austrian border must undertake to drive through Austria without a stopover. So neither with a toilet break or refueling break.” said Josef Schreier, the spokesman for the Tyrolean state government in an interview with the BR. The reason: Austria does not officially open its borders for tourism again until June 15th.

In the video: Everything you need to know about the corona virus

TVNOW documentary: Traveling in the Corona crisis

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