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Can I Sufficient Daily Vitamin Needs with Supplements?

At least, the body needs 13 kinds of vitamins every day.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Children who like to choose food or also called picky eaters are one of the trials for mothers in dealing with child nutrition. This then causes 1 in 5 school children in Indonesia to be obese, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

Data from UNICEF also states that 53 percent of Indonesian children experience chronic malnutrition (stunting) which has an impact on the child’s height not according to age. In addition, 36 percent of Indonesian children have zinc deficiency or deficiency.

To overcome this problem in Indonesia, it is better to promote child nutrition from an early age so that it can improve the long-term cognitive and performance of children in school, especially in children with deficiencies. Balanced nutrition is very important for children, as well as a diet that also influences and can make a child’s brain develop more.

Journal of Developmental & Behaviorat Pediatrics (2017) said that balanced nutrition is especially vitamin D, A, B-complex, and the minerals zinc and iodine are considered important for the growth and development of bone and heart organs, as well as children’s immunity. Medical Doctor & Influencer Health, Dr. Nadia Alaydrus explained that the body needs 13 kinds of vitamins that should be consumed every day and the source can be from fruit, vegetables, including from supplement vitamin.

“Multivitamin supplements also work for children’s growth and development. Because parents can’t promise everything vitamin needs fulfilled only from food intake of vegetables and fruit, considering the cooking method which also has various ways,” said Nadia, at the product launch event for ‘Youvit New Multivitamin’, recently.

In addition, a multivitamin supplement with a chewy candy format (gummy), can make it easier for mothers to meet their children’s nutrition without worrying about having trouble choosing food (picky eater) again. Even during pandemics and transitional seasons, taking multivitamin supplements can keep children’s immune system safe from various deadly diseases and viruses.

“If now have you? different, in the past ‘4 healthy 5 perfect’. Nah, now the title is ‘balanced nutrition’, so everything must be complete,” explained Nadia.

According to him, taking multivitamins is not only when you are sick or during the COVID-19 pandemic like now, but also when you are healthy so that immunity is maintained. In addition, multivitamins must also be taken every day with the right dose. However, if a person has an indication of vitamin deficiency, the dose may be increased according to the terms and conditions of the doctor.

Nadia also explained that in addition to lack of vitamins, excess vitamins can also cause dangerous things.

“If someone is deficient, of course, immunity will decrease, eventually productivity will also decrease, so it’s easy to feel weak, get sick easily. Nah, if the excess will damage kidney function, liver function, because the organs should not work excessively, they are forced to work excessively. That’s why we consume vitamin supplements must be in accordance with the dose, “explained Nadia.

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