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Can I have two mortgages on one property? Exploring your options

How many mortgages can you have?

One of the first questions that may arise when considering multiple mortgages is, “How many mortgages can you have on one property?” Typically, a homeowner will take out a primary mortgage to purchase a property. However, there may be situations where additional financing is needed, and so the question of whether one can have two mortgages on one property arises.

A second mortgage is another loan taken out against the equity in your property. Equity is the difference between the current value of your property and the amount you owe on the primary mortgage. Equity is a key factor in determining how much mortgage you can get when taking out additional financing.

It is important to understand that although it is possible to have two mortgages, lenders are often very cautious. A second mortgage increases your risk of defaulting on repayments, which is why the lender needs to make sure you meet their strict criteria.

Eligibility criteria for taking out a second mortgage

If you are considering a second mortgage, it is crucial that you meet certain eligibility criteria and understand how to get a mortgage in Dubai. Lenders will look closely at your finances to determine if you qualify for another loan. While the specific criteria may vary depending on the lender, the following factors are typically assessed:

  • Equity in the property: The most important factor is that you have equity in the property. If you have no equity, you basically have nothing to borrow against. Lenders expect you to have significant equity before they will consider approving a second mortgage. The more equity you have, the less risk the lender poses and the more likely they are to be willing to lend you more money.

  • Credit-worthiness: When you’re asking yourself, “how much mortgage can I have?”, credit score plays an important role – whether it’s your first or second mortgage. A high credit score shows that you’re a responsible and low-risk borrower, which increases your chances of being approved for a second mortgage.

  • Income and employment: Another crucial aspect of getting a mortgage in Dubai is proving employment stability and sufficient income to easily meet repayments. A lender will usually ask for proof of income and employment, such as pay slips. If you are self-employed, the lender may ask to see your business balance sheets.

  • Debt-to-income ratio: Your debt-to-income ratio is the percentage of your monthly income that goes toward paying off debt. A higher debt-to-income ratio indicates that you are at greater risk of default, so the lender will want to see a low debt-to-income ratio to consider you for a second mortgage.

  • Purpose of the second mortgage: The lender will likely want to know why you want to take out a second mortgage. Whether it’s for renovations, debt consolidation or another investment, having a clear purpose and plan can improve your chances of approval.

How to improve your chances of getting a second mortgage

Although we have established that it is possible to have two mortgages on one property, the strict selection criteria means it is important to know how to improve your chances of approval.

Here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of getting a second mortgage:

  1. Increase your equity: By continuing to pay off your first mortgage or waiting for home prices to rise, you increase your equity. This makes you a more attractive candidate for a second mortgage.

  2. Improve your credit score: Part of the process of getting a mortgage in Dubai is for the lender to check your credit score. A higher credit score can increase your chances of approval. Take steps like paying all bills on time, reducing credit card debt and avoiding new debt.

  3. Lower your debt-to-income ratio: You should consider reducing existing debt, such as paying off credit cards or other loans, before applying for a second mortgage.

  4. Proof of stable income: Lenders are more likely to give you a second mortgage if you can demonstrate a stable and reliable income. For example, if you’ve just started a new job, you may want to consider waiting to apply, especially if you’re still on probation.

  5. Get pre-approval: If you’re considering multiple mortgages, you may be wondering, “Can you get more than one mortgage pre-approval?” The answer is yes. Getting pre-approved for multiple mortgages will give you a clear picture of how much mortgage you can get and improve your chances when you apply for a second mortgage.

Advantages and disadvantages of two mortgages

While there can be advantages to having two mortgages, it’s important to understand the potential disadvantages as well. Here’s an overview:


  • Access to additional resources: A second mortgage can give you access to funds that you can use for purposes such as home renovations, real estate investments, or paying off high-interest debt.

  • Potential tax benefits: Although Dubai offers a tax-free environment in terms of income and property taxes, in certain cases it may be possible for the interest on a second mortgage to be tax deductible in the property owner’s country of residence.

  • Use of equity: A second mortgage could allow you to use the equity in your property to invest in another property, potentially increasing your wealth.


  • Higher monthly payments: Taking out a second mortgage will increase your monthly payments, which could strain your finances and leave you with less money for other expenses.

  • Increased risk: By reducing your equity and increasing your monthly payments, you increase the risk that you will default on your debt, which could result in you losing your home.

  • Interest rates: The increased risk of a second mortgage often means lenders charge higher interest rates, resulting in higher overall costs.

Potential impact of multiple mortgages on your property and finances

It is important to understand that having two mortgages on one property can have a negative impact on your finances and the security of your property. Here are some potential consequences to be aware of:

  • Reduced equity: Having an additional mortgage reduces the equity you have in the property, which could affect your ability to sell or refinance the property in the future.

  • Difficulties in refinancing: If you have multiple mortgages, refinancing can become more complicated.

  • Risk of negative equity formation: If the value of the property drops, you could find yourself in a negative equity situation where the total loan amount exceeds the value of the property. This could be a very risky situation that could lead to financial difficulties.

  • Financial burden: A second mortgage increases your monthly repayments, which could put additional strain on your finances, especially if your circumstances change, such as job loss.

Alternatives to multiple mortgages

Given the potential impacts and challenges of a second mortgage, you might consider the following alternatives:

  • Refinancing your existing mortgage: Instead of taking out a second mortgage, you could refinance your existing mortgage to gain access to additional funds. This approach allows you to maintain one monthly payment and potentially get better terms.

  • Home loan or line of credit (HELOC): These options could allow you to borrow against the equity in your property without taking out a second mortgage. This could be a more flexible option with a lower interest rate.

  • Personal loan: For smaller financial needs, a personal loan might be a viable option. A personal loan would not be secured by your property and can offer lower interest rates than credit cards.

  • Savings or investments: If you have savings or other investments, consider using those funds rather than taking on additional debt and the risks that come with it.


While it is possible to have two mortgages on one property, this is not a decision that should be taken lightly. It is crucial to carefully consider the potential benefits and risks, as well as your ability to meet the financial obligations. By understanding the eligibility criteria and taking steps to improve your chances of approval, you can make an informed decision that is consistent with your financial goals.

Whether you’re wondering “Can I have two mortgages on one property?” or “How much mortgage can I get?”, it’s important to do thorough research and seek advice from financial experts. If a second mortgage isn’t the best solution for you, consider alternative options that better suit your needs. The right choice will depend on your individual circumstances and long-term financial goals.

By following the recommendations contained in this blog and doing further research, you can navigate the complexities of multiple mortgages and make an informed decision that will help you achieve your Dubai real estate goals.

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