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Can i have grapefruit with chemotherapy?

It is best not to eat grapefruit (juice) and grapefruit hybrids or during chemotherapy. Discuss with your doctor whether you can eat and drink grapefruit (juice) again after chemotherapy. You should also be careful if you can take grapefruit (juice) with other medicines.

What variants of grapefruit are there?

There are crosses of grapefruit and other citrus fruits. Examples include pomelo, ugli, mineola, tangelo, and sour orange (also called Seville orange). The advice is not to take these fruits during chemotherapy.

What are citrus fruits?

Citrus fruits are fruits that come from trees or shrubs of the family citrus fruits get off. Examples include lemon, lime, orange, mandarin, and mineola. These fruits contain a lot of vitamin C. Citrus fruits, like other fruits, are well suited to a healthy diet. You can eat and drink citrus fruit (juice) before, during and after chemotherapy.

What does the research show?

Grapefruit contains certain substances that ensure that chemotherapy is not broken down properly by the body. This allows more of the drug to remain in the blood for a longer period of time. This ensures a stronger effect of the drug, which can lead to increasingly serious side effects of chemotherapy.

This begins immediately after drinking a glass of grapefruit juice and lasts on average for a few days. It is therefore recommended not to eat or drink grapefruit (juice) at least 48 hours before chemotherapy. Since chemotherapy continues to work for a while after administration, it is advisable not to take grapefruit even after chemotherapy, for at least 24 hours.

Grapefruit and other medications

Grapefruit and grapefruit hybrids can also interact with other medications. Always ask if you are on medication if you can eat and drink grapefruit (juice) and its hybrids.

Our advice

Don’t eat or drink grapefruit (juice) or crosses if you’re receiving chemotherapy. Always check with other medications if you can eat and drink grapefruit (juice) and its hybrids.
During chemotherapy you can eat and drink (juice from) oranges, tangerines and lemons.

Read also:
Does lemon (citrus) protect against cancer?

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