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Can I Deliver Food to Covid-19 Patients? This is a Registered Nutritionist’s Explanation and Advice

Reporter’s Report TribunMadura.com Network, Akira Tandika

TRIBUNMADURA.COM, SURABAYA – The trend of sending food to neighbors, relatives, to friends who are doing self isolation This is a testament to the community’s concern during this pandemic.

But is it okay to send any food to the patient? Covid-19 who undergo self isolation at home? Or are there certain nutrients that the patient needs to speed up recovery?

According to Nutritionist Registered Mochammad Rizal S Gz, delivering food to patients Covid-19 is one of the actions that support healing.

“In fact, in several health facilities at the level of Puskesmas, they already have a program to deliver food to local residents who are in need of food self isolation,” he explained, Wednesday (21/7/2021).

Rizal added that patients who are isoman usually cannot freely access food ingredients. So the idea of ​​sending food can help patients who are undergoing isomanism.

Even so, there are still some things that need to be considered before sending food to isoman patients.

“We recommend that the type of food sent is one that can support recovery. For example, food and drinks that contain sufficient protein, vitamins A, C, D, E, and zinc,” said Rizal.

Some of these ingredients, continued Rizal, can be found in chicken, meat, fish, eggs, milk, tofu, tempeh, nuts, chicken/beef liver, carrots, orange sweet potatoes, pumpkin, guava, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, seafoods, and many more.

Meanwhile, Rizal also mentioned that there are some foods that need to be avoided, because they can slow down or bring back symptoms Covid-19.

“Foods that should be reduced are foods that are high in sugar and fried foods. Both types of these foods can increase inflammation or inflammation in the body so that the recovery process takes longer,” he concluded.

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