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Can humans live on Venus? Planet similar to Earth and closer

Surabaya (beritajatim.com) – Several times we often find memes about people who leave the planet because they are tired on earth. Even if it’s just a joke, but have you ever thought if it really happened?

This time let’s try to understand together if we live on Venus. Venus is the closest planet to Earth, even closer than Earth-Mars. If we look at it in terms of its appearance, Venus has a size, mass and gravity that are almost the same as Earth. Some even mention Venus as Earth’s twin.

It’s just that Venus has an extreme environment. The extreme temperature of Venus is 464 degrees Celsius, the atmospheric pressure of Venus is 90 times higher than Earth’s, and 96.5% of the air contains carbon dioxide. If you want to be a human dwelling, there has to be ecological engineering. Here are some ways!

Carbon sequestration in the atmosphere of Venus using calcium and magnesium

The high carbon content in Venus’ atmosphere can be neutralized with calcium and magnesium. This is the idea of ​​a scientist named Mark Bullock and David H. Grinspoon. Magnesium and calcium can be extracted by extracting Venus.

However, Venus’s magnesium and calcium intake cannot suppress everything but can lower Venus’s temperature to 126.85 degrees Celsius and a drop in pressure from 93 bar to 43 bar. Hence the need for additional magnesium and calcium from planets such as Mercury or asteroids.

Neutralize the atmosphere of Venus by throwing a hydrogen bomb

Throwing a hydrogen bomb into the atmosphere of Venus was the first idea of ​​a British scientist named Paul Birch. As a result, the released hydrogen reacts with Venus’ atmosphere and produces graphite and water. The result of the reaction can cover 80% of the surface of Venus with water. Only, it takes a lot of hydrogen bombs, so it is necessary to extract them from other planets.

Protect the extreme climate of Venus with a giant mirror

Another way that can be done to maintain extreme weather on Venus is with a giant mirror. The giant mirror is capable of preventing sunlight from entering Venus so that it can slowly lower the temperature.

When Venus cools, the carbon dioxide in Venus’s atmosphere cools and becomes rain for 30 years. After 200 years, the temperature of Venus will drop to -81 degrees Celsius and some of the carbon dioxide will freeze. But we must know that building a large mirror to block the sun’s rays is not easy. (PRD / ian)

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