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Can “healthy diets” be harmful to teeth?

Tooth enamel is one of the hardest tissues in our entire body

: super tough to bite and chew, but at the same time

very fragile in front of acids capable of softening it


Do you consume a lot of fresh fruit every day? Do you love natural juices? Are you consuming too much soda, or maybe energy drinks, or isotonics? So

you could be suffering from dental wear due to the so-called “acid erosion”

, the new headache for dentists.

It happens that this condition, which is not new, has recently increased its prevalence due a little to modern diets (which involve a greater consumption of carbonated and energy drinks, salad dressings and in some cases more fruits), although also to our inclination to eat smaller portions of food several times a day.

The problem with acid erosion is that it wears away the enamel

, with which the dentin is exposed which then, when making contact with something cold, or hot, or sweet, or even with the toothbrush, can react to the nerve inside the tooth, which generates a brief discomfort, Sharp and sharp is known as tooth sensitivity.

Teeth and the modern diet

In some cases the acids that wear down the tooth enamel can come from internal factors (such as vomiting and reflux), although in most cases we are talking about a diet that is abundant in foods such as fruits, soft drinks, energy drinks, wine, salad dressings and pasta sauces.

Only four of these “acidic moments” a day (that is, when consumption of any of these foods occurs) could be increasing the risk of acid erosion.

Detecting this condition is a task for the dentist, who will probably evaluate the first clinical signs, including

a weak, softened, translucent, yellowish or even too thin enamel

. Over time, not only can these effects gradually worsen, but there is a possibility that the teeth will become more sensitive as the protective enamel disappears and the underlying dentin layer is exposed.

According to a study presented in 2013 at the Annual World Dental Congress held in Turkey, today almost one in three adults shows signs of dental wear, a characteristic that is enhanced in people who are between 18 and 35 years old.

Stopping acids

Of course, it is not about modifying a healthy diet. Fruits should be enjoyed without fear, and you can also occasionally consume a glass of soda. What in any case will have to be done is take into account some of these measures to protect tooth enamel:

Consult your dentist

for advice on how to help protect your enamel from the effects of acid erosion.

Avoid keeping acidic foods and drinks in your mouth for a long time

(for example, taking a sip juice in a period of more than an hour). If you can, it is also recommended to use a light bulb.

Do not brush your teeth immediately after consuming an acidic food

, since it is the moment in which the enamel is most vulnerable.

Start using a toothpaste that is developed to protect your teeth from acid erosion regularly.

, with fluorine and low abrasiveness such as Sensodyne Pro-Enamel.

Sensodyne Proesmalte strengthens acid softened enamel and provides continuous protection against the effects of acid erosion, with a neutral pH

. Its formula helps minerals penetrate deep into the tooth’s surface, making the weakened enamel stronger, healthier and more protected against the effects of acids.


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