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can drive from Colle- Corriere.it

from Marco Cremonesi

Minister Giorgetti: “If Matteo wants to become institutionalized, the alliance in Europe with the AfD has no reason”

By now we know: the minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, number 2 of the League, speaks little. But when it does, they are grenades. The previews on the latest book by Bruno Vespa, Why Mussolini ruined Italy (and how Draghi is healing it) I’m one of those cases. Because the deputy secretary does not send them to say just to Matteo Salvini. Grenade number 1 is about the possibility of maintain a common track with Salvini: “We will continue to work like this as long as the government train travels fast, otherwise we risk ending up on a siding”. Because, says the Minister of Economic Development, “the problem is not Giorgetti, who had long since created his international credibility. The problem is whether Salvini wants to marry a new line or stay out of it ». The next step is very delicate: «Matteo is used to being a blockbuster in western films. I proposed to him to be a supporting actor in an Oscar nominated drama “because” it’s hard to put Bud Spencer and Meryl Streep in the same film. And I don’t know what he decided. ‘ If it is not an invitation to give up the premiership, it is very close: saying “supporting actor” seems to suggest farewell to the “Salvini premier”. However
Giorgia Meloni
continues to bite, says Vespa: «It’s true, but westerns are going out of fashion. Native Indians are now being revalued in America. ‘

The theme is also that of the European and international position: just yesterday the League leader was with Brazilian president Bolsonaro. «If he wants to institutionalize himself definitively – says Giorgetti – Salvini must make a precise choice. I understand the gratitude to Le Pen, who welcomed him into her group ten years ago. But the alliance with the Afd has no reason ». Vespa asks: Did Salvini make the European turn? Giorgetti answers straight: «It is unfinished. He has certainly changed the language. But sometimes he says some things and does others. It can do decisive things and does not do them ». In short, the League’s landing place must be the EPP: «I don’t need a new job. I want to take the League to another place ». And it is precisely on this that Salvini’s only response arrives: «We are working for a large group that brings together the center-right in Europe. It’s no old group. ‘ In the end, Giorgetti talks about Quirinale: «Already in the autumn of 2020 I said that the solution would be to confirm Mattarella for another year. If this is not possible, okay Draghi“. It being understood that «Draghi could also lead the convoy from the Quirinale. It would be semi-presidentialism de facto, in which the president expands his functions by taking advantage of a weak policy ».

Reactions have concentrated on this. Net that of Giuseppe Conte: “Whatever solution it is, we must not hope that the constitutional design will be upset. Talk about semi-presidentialism de facto absolutely not good. ” And Mattarella “kept well away” from this: “We don’t need men of providence.” But all the same Carlo Calenda, Giorgetti’s predecessor at Mise, is cautious: “Institutional systems do not change according to who holds office. I am a presidentialist, but this is not the Italian system. If Draghi is to continue to lead the country, as I think, then he must remain prime minister ». The group leader in the room Francesco Lollobrigida he remembers that “for the Brothers of Italy the main road remains the vote”. And FdI “agrees on the model of presidentialism and semi presidentialism, as long as it happens with direct election”.


November 2, 2021 (change November 2, 2021 | 23:58)

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