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Can Doomsday, Scientists Find Out Signs of a Super Volcano Erupting

JAKARTA – Scientists are figuring out how volcano super gives off signs before a catastrophic eruption occurs. Because it is known, the eruption of the supervolcano Toba in Indonesia almost made the Earth doomsday.

Reported Express.co.uk, Wednesday (07/28/2021), when the supervolcano Toba in Indonesia erupted about 74,000 years ago, there is some evidence to suggest that the mountain spewed enough ash into the sky to trigger an ice age. At that time life on Earth could barely survive.

READ: 10 Most Explosive Volcanic Eruptions in the World, 3 Happened in Indonesia

Having said that, it’s a bit worrying to learn that there isn’t a universally agreed upon set of warning signs that precede a super-eruption. Estimates vary but there are about 12 supervolcanoes scattered across the planet – including the world-famous Yellowstone volcano in the western United States.

The alert follows an in-depth look at 13 supervolcano eruptions over the past two million years, including the relatively recent Oruanui eruption in New Zealand 25,400 years ago.

According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), a supervolcano is volcano which had one or more eruptions of magnitude 8 on the Volcanic Eruption Index (VEI).

Eruptions of magnitude 8 and above released more than 1,000 cubic kilometers of material, which is enough to disrupt the climate for decades to come.

During Yellowstone’s three major eruptions between 2.1 million and 640,000 years ago, the volcano released enough ash to cover much of western North America.

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