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Can Change Skin Color, These 10 Animals Are Clever at Camouflage

The ability of animals to survive in nature is truly unique. Some are able to bleed from their eyes, some are able to fly and perch from tree to tree, some are able to enlarge their bodies.

Of the many abilities, changing body color is an ability that is very rare. Only a handful of animals can do this.

In the National Geographic article, the ability to change color can be influenced by many factors. Some are due to changing seasons, some have very unique cells. The function also varies. Some are used as hunting tools and on the other hand they are used to defend against predators. The following is a list of animals that have the ability to change color.

1. Chameleon


Famous as an animal that likes to change color, chameleons can change accordingly mood-his. This is due to the presence of special cells in the skin. It was explained that they could change the color in less than a minute.

2. The golden tortoise beetle

Can Change Skin Color, These 10 Animals Are Clever at Camouflagegardeningchannel.com

The color change in these beetles is triggered by several conditions. Starting from the breeding season to the impact of being touched.

One color that can be observed is the color change from gold to red. Generally this happens when they enter the mating season or they feel disturbed.

3. The mimic octopus

Can Change Skin Color, These 10 Animals Are Clever at Camouflagelivescience.com

Also known by the scientific name Thaumoctopus mimicus, this type of octopus changes its color to avoid predators. The colors they can imitate are jellyfish, sea snakes, and stingrays. The environment also affects the color change.

4. Pacific tree frog

Can Change Skin Color, These 10 Animals Are Clever at Camouflagewildrepublic.com

As a forest dweller in North America, the Pacific tree frog will change its color according to the surrounding conditions. This is a defense mechanism that he has to protect himself from attacks by raccoons, snakes, and others.

5. Sea horse

Can Change Skin Color, These 10 Animals Are Clever at Camouflagetreehugger.com

Seahorses are a type of marine animal that has the ability to change color. There are many functions of this special ability.

Starting from for camouflage, scaring predators, communicating emotions, and more. This can occur due to complex systems in the brain, nervous system, hormones, and organs.

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6. Flounder

Can Change Skin Color, These 10 Animals Are Clever at Camouflageatlantisgozo.com

This type of flat fish is an animal with the natural ability to change body color. In order to make this possible, flounder use their eyesight to see the color of their surroundings and pass that information to their bodies to change the color of their special cells. When their eyes are damaged, they will find it difficult to camouflage.

7. Squid

Can Change Skin Color, These 10 Animals Are Clever at Camouflageenvironment.sa.gov.au

Reported by the World Atlas, there are three mechanisms that cuttlefish have in order to change their color. First, cuttlefish skin contains papillae which allow the skin to be smooth or rough.

Second, there are chromatophores or pigment sacs in the skin. Then the last one, the cuttlefish has a plate that contains leucophores and daniridophores.

8. Crab spiders

Can Change Skin Color, These 10 Animals Are Clever at Camouflagewired.com

Also called the flower spider, this insect will change its body color when targeting prey. Generally, they will change color according to the color of the flower they are sitting on. To do that, it will take 10 to 25 days.

9. Squid

Can Change Skin Color, These 10 Animals Are Clever at Camouflagercg.org

Their ability to change color due to the presence of chromatophores in their bodies. Its main function is to avoid predators. The color change that is most often done is the color that matches the sea surface at that time.

10. Gurita cyanea

Can Change Skin Color, These 10 Animals Are Clever at Camouflageworldwildlife.org

Also known as the daytime octopus or the large blue octopus, this animal lives in the waters of the Indo-Pacific. They are active during the day and have the ability to transform the body.

Not only colors, but also textures and patterns. Cyanea octopuses are so fast at adapting to their surroundings that they only take a few seconds to change color.

It’s like they are ninjas in the wild whose special ability is to disguise themselves. Don’t you wonder: if you meet them, can you see them?

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