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Can cancer come back again?

KOMPAS. com – Cancer is one of the scourges of health because this disease is full of uncertainties.

One of the biggest concerns for people with cancer who are already undergoing medical treatment is whether the cancer can come back again sometime?

To understand more about this disease, consider the following explanation.

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Can cancer come back again?

Reported by CancerResearchUK, cancer cells can no longer be detected after the patient has undergone a series of medical treatments. However, cancer can come back sometime after cancer treatment.

For this reason, doctors never give guarantees when asked if cancer can be cured.

The term used to mean that cancer cells are no longer detected in the body is remission, not cured.

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The causes of cancer can recur

There are several reasons why cancer can come back after the patient is declared in remission, including:

  • Previous treatment or treatment has not completely eliminated all cancer cells, so there are remnants of tumors that become malignant
  • Some cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body, but go undetected while the patient is on cancer drug therapy
  • There are still cancer cells that weren’t removed during the surgery. This condition usually occurs when the cancer cells are very small
  • Sometimes there are also cancer cells that are resistant to certain anticancer drugs, because they have undergone mutations

Even though there are many causes for cancer to come back and it seems hopeless, every cancer patient must undergo medical treatment and treatment for this disease until it is complete.

The goal is not to cure cancer but to control this disease, sufferers can move as normally as possible and extend the life expectancy of sufferers.

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When doctors diagnose cancer recurrence, sufferers are usually advised to undergo a series of medical treatments so that the cancer cells do not get worse.

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