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Can Awakening JI, Weakening JAD


Victory Taliban who succeeded in occupying the Afghan government is considered to have an effect on the terrorism movement in Indonesia. Taliban could bring JI back to life and suppress JAD.

“Yes, the effects will vary. Some want to move there, some want to see the monotheism flag flying at the Afghan embassy in Jakarta, some want to follow in the footsteps of the Taliban to get futuh (victory),” said a terrorism expert from Aceh’s Malikussaleh University, Al Chaidar when contacted, Friday (20/8/2021).

He explained that the effect of reaching futuh is what can trigger a terrorist movement. According to him, the effect is quite large.

“And also there are those who want to achieve futuh by means of terrorism. Not bad effects,” he said.

In addition, he revealed that this Taliban victory could also revive the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) group. However, on the one hand, it put pressure on the Jamaah Asharut Daulah (JAD) group.

“There is also (the effect of reviving JI). Many JI have been arrested in the last 2 weeks. But on the one hand they have put pressure on JAD. It has embarrassed JAD,” said Chaidar.

This is different from what was conveyed by Alto Labetubun, a conflict and security analyst who focuses on conflict issues in the Middle East. Alto believes that the Taliban’s victory will not have much effect on the terrorism movement in Indonesia. However, the glorification of the Taliban’s victory can be used by groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda to seek funding.

“It will not have much effect. What can be exploited from this incident is that the narrative of the victory of Islam against western imperialism will be used by several groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda to seek funds and support in Indonesia. But it will not be an inspiration for the emergence of terror attacks in Indonesia, ” said Alto when contacted separately.

Watch the video ‘The Indonesian Embassy in Kabul Moved, Indonesia Monitors Afghanistan from Islamabad Pakistan’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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