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Can Allergies Be Cured? Expert Explains the Possibilities


An allergy is a response of the body’s immune system when an allergenic substance or substance enters the body. This condition can cause the body allergic reactions such as rash, itching, shortness of breath, red eyes, and much more.

In fact, can allergies be cured? Expert in internal medicine, consultant in allergy and immunology, Dr. Sukamto Koesno, SpPD-KAI, said that allergies in a person in general are caused by the talents or genetics of the patient.

According to Dr. Sukamto, avoiding allergy risk factors is still a way to prevent allergic reactions.

“So, for example, if you eat shrimp, it’s not a problem, but because you have an allergy, the shrimp protein is considered an ‘enemy’, then the body respond differently by showing allergic symptoms,” said Dr. Sukamto when you meet him. by detikcom in Central Jakarta, Monday (29/4/2024).

“The way to prevent it is, of course, only foods or products that can cause allergies,” he continued.

Dr. Sukamto said that allergic reactions can come and go if there is a trigger. In some cases, allergies can be cured by desensitization or giving the allergen to the patient little by little.

However, he said, this method cannot be used for all types of allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to check with a doctor first.

“We have to calculate the dose, then the type of disease, then the age, so that we can give the allergen in small amounts. So a deeper investigation must be done first,” he said.

Watch video3 Types of Allergies in Children and Their Effects


2024-04-30 03:30:28
#allergies #cured #Heres #doctor

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