The concert of the rocker from Correggio to celebrate the anniversary. Many guests: from Loredana Bertè to Francesco De Gregori, from Elisa to Eugenio Finardi, from Gazzelle to Mauro Pagani
The buses at the Autogrills, full of fans wearing Ligabue T-shirts, the tents camped near the RCF Arena in Reggio Emilia so as not to miss a moment of the day, to find the best location, under the sun, at the mega party for the thirty years of Liga career. A colorful crowd that can’t wait to sing, to be together through his music, to applaud the Correggio rocker with gratitude for those words that have accompanied segments of lives. Over 103,000 tickets sold to finally scream against the sky. This is the flavor of “30 years in one day”, the title of the show that inaugurated the Rcf Arena, the great secular mass of the Liga: a lineup with over thirty songs that the Emilian rocker opens with “I would not change this life with anyone ‘other ”, after the peace flag hoisted by manager Claudio Maioli at the beginning of the show. Then off to “Let’s dance on the world” in a cascade of colors and screens that are divided into four parts in a pop art style. Blue and orange lights for “The smell of sex”, then the rocker walks the catwalk during “No fear” and interacts with the audience. He shouts, chants, choirs. The concert takes off, in the sign of peace.
Around Luciano, a mega stage, with the fans immediately delirious. And Liga was told just before the show. “Covid has created effects for everyone, it was impossible to look ahead because you don’t see the future, so I looked to the sides and wrote my autobiography, I retraced my experience, the memories I wanted. Then I wrote ‘I would not change this life with anyone else’, a song born from a feeling of gratitude for those who allowed me to live this life ”.
At the concert he sings with many friends. Her first duet is with Loredana Bertè in the song “I stopped being silent”, deals with violence against women. “A song against psychological, mental and physical violence – cries Loredana – I have suffered them all, at 16 I was raped and beaten up, every six hours there is a femicide: I have stopped keeping silent”. With Francesco De Gregori Liga he sings “Buonanotte all’Italia” (“A country that I love, even if I have mixed feelings of love and contempt)” and Mauro Pagani for “My name is never again”. “A song written in 1999 – says Ligabue – sung with Pelù and Jovanotti. We wrote it when there were so many wars, and we had published the map, unfortunately it is more current than ever. Last year world spending on weapons broke all records, I wonder where civilization is going, I fear we will become a bomb that is triggered ”. Also planned duets with Finardi in “Rebel Music” and with Gazelle in “Love counts”. Piero Pelù forfeited due to a slight injury. But it’s still a big party. And it is, above all, the party of the Liga.
June 4, 2022 (change June 4, 2022 | 22:00)