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Campos Verdes celebrated its 20 years with a Caravan of Books


Campos Verdes celebrated its 20 years with a Caravan of Books

The Campos Verdes College lives to the full the week of his birthday. Due to the pandemic, formal acts were put aside, to focus on a caravan of books, which implied a predetermined social distance from inside the cars. They toured various squares in the city, giving books to the little ones. We accompanied the authorities on the tour and experienced first-hand the reaction of the children when they encountered such a surprise.

It was approaching 6 pm on Friday 12, and for several minutes more and more cars were approaching the institution, decorated with green and yellow balloons: the colors of the school. Inside the vehicles were families of current attendees, students, graduates. The detail that attracted attention is that, in a few minutes, more and more cars were added and the line of cars was lost from sight, so much that the end could not be seen well. It exceeded 4 blocks in length.

The tour began in the direction of the Pachán neighborhood and extended to various squares in the city. The caravan attracted the attention of the curious, with the unusual novelty of leaving books at their disposal. The children looked happy and ran to the designated places to see which specimen they found. Both Paula Pascucci from the bed of the truck that led the caravan, and Silvio Sanso at the wheel, eagerly and joyfully invited the nearby neighbors to go to the square, since there were surprises for the little ones.

The tour

“The route that we have planned once we leave the Campos Verdes school: first we are going to go to the Pachán neighborhood, we will pass through the square. Then we begin a tour of the southern part of the city: Barrio Primavera, zone of School 11, Park 9 de Julio, Muñoz Park. After Rucatún Neighborhood, Pologna Square, Miter Square, Taglioretti Park, Villa Riel Neighborhood, El Sol Neighborhood, Moreno Square, Independencia Square and it closes with a tour of the center. “

Leave books to be found

“We are always going to leave the books in squares, squares and parks. In public places for the children to find them. We have 200 books to leave in the different places that I mention. As we stop at the squares, a family of the one who accompanies us is in charge of distributing them or leaving them in different places in the square, while the caravan continues its way through the city. “

Working together: constant learning throughout the 20 years of school.

“What we have learned in the course of these years is that without asking for help it is impossible to carry out these projects. Because you need a lot of help not only from the families of the school but also from professionals. Teamwork is essential. You have to know how to lead them. and that they are very clear about the goals to be pursued, since the tensions in the processes are many and in order to deviate us on the way.To know well what is being sought, we must also have strong leadership. Specifically, it is knowing how to seek help at the right time and get professional advice. “

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