Home » World » Campania Regionals, Cirielli breaks the ice: ok to the candidacy

Campania Regionals, Cirielli breaks the ice: ok to the candidacy

Il Deputy Foreign Minister, Edmund Cirielligives his availability to run, in the centre-right, as president of the Region. But the game is far from over, as now we will have to wait for the moves of the allies who, in the past, have already claimed the role. Beyond the “fight” for leadership, however, the work is still in progress, because as underlined by Cirielli himself, there are also other possible candidates, within the same party of the prime minister, Georgia Meloni.

Opening to allies

And it is Cirielli himself who scatters clues and gives indications, the day after he entered the field, also proposing other names: «I have expressed my availability to run for governor of Campania – highlights the government representative – but I made it clear that we also have another ruling class that can claim this role, such as the regional coordinator Anthony Iannonewho has demonstrated depth, ability and balance both human and political. And also FdIdespite being the leading party of the coalition, stronger than Lega e Forza Italia put together, it is ready to discuss even technical names. Like for example the minister Matthew Piantedosia man of the institutions, from Campania, who I like a lot. In short, we are humble and available to agree on the names that however must have the imprimatur of Fratelli d’Italia».


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– 2024-09-18 17:01:29

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