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Campaign presented in Mexico to make ovarian cancer visible

This content was published on 08 September 2021 – 19:42

Mexico City, Sep 8 (EFE) .- Civil associations, an application and a pharmacist presented this Wednesday a campaign to make ovarian cancer visible and support Mexican women diagnosed with this disease.

“Our obligation is that ovarian cancer is a more visible disease. It is an act of love for our mothers, our daughters, sisters, friends and for ourselves,” said Cayetana Abad, country manager of the GoTrendier application in Mexico.

As part of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, GoTrendier joined forces with the Salvati Foundation and AstraZeneca so that more Mexican women are aware of the risk factors for this disease and the importance of an early diagnosis.

That is why Mariana Ochoa, Mexican actress and singer, will donate her closet and the sales raised during 30 days will go 100% to Salvati, who will use the resources to support women diagnosed with ovarian cancer.


Flavia Morales, a specialist in medical oncology at the National Cancer Institute, explained that the lack of information and the absence of symptoms affect the fact that this disease is detected in late stages.

“Unfortunately, ovarian cancer can cause very nonspecific signs. That is why the key to early detection will always be to go to the gynecologist on a regular basis,” he warned.

He explained that ovarian cancer ranks second in Mexico in gynecological cancers and is the seventh most frequent among women around the world.

In Mexico, he added, the 5-year survival of an ovarian cancer diagnosis is 45%, while 85% of women with breast cancer will be alive at 5 years.

He indicated that it is more lethal than breast or cervical cancer.

This type of cancer can start in one of the ovaries or in both at the same time, and it is almost always detected when it is already in very advanced stages since in its early stages it may not present signs or be these little specific.

In addition, there are modifiable risk factors such as not having children, obesity and tobacco consumption, in addition to age, infertility, suffering from endometriosis or having the first menstruation before 12 years of age and presenting menopause after 52 years .

“However, even if there are no risk factors, it is important to be aware of health,” he said.

Finally, Valentina Gallart, medical manager of AstraZeneca’s Oncology Business Unit, said that it is essential to make the existence of this disease visible and thus be able to reach more women

“We intend to echo in the ears of many women who still do not know about the lethality and impact of ovarian cancer. We want to encourage them to go to the doctor and before any diagnosis, let them know that they are not alone,” he concluded. EFE


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