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Campaign “600 x Vos” will be held on Monday the 14th and expectation grows

It is worth noting that since 2008 and without interruption, the Colegio “Campos Verdes” works collaboratively for this solidary and altruistic cause.

By way of advance, it is noted that during the 2020 Lective Cycle, and despite the suspension of face-to-face classes, even so, “Campos Verdes” did not lower its arms. Given the national problem of a decrease in the percentage of donation, the Hemotherapy area of ​​the local Hospital was contacted to ask what would be the best way to help from the educational institution.

In this sense, it was agreed to update the living list of donors in order to be used if required, so contact with more than 500 neighbors – captured in different actions from 2008 to date – required a detailed work, the responsibility falling on the school’s Directorate. Updated the list, at the beginning of 2021 there were more than 300 people from Juarez willing to donate voluntarily.

In the 2021 School Cycle, the “600 x you” campaign did not stop and was for more concrete actions. Once again, the institution agreed with the hemotherapy area to achieve the goal of daily attendance of one or two volunteer donors, summoned from the “Campos Verdes” College. At the same time, health professionals would contact neighbors recovered Covid to make the plasma donation effective.

From February 17 to date, 130 people attended, at the rate of a daily average of 1.70 donors / day. Undoubtedly, the achievement of a goal that in times of pandemic has double merit for all the people involved.

However, the annual project is not limited to these actions. Biology is preparing tree seedlings to give to donors as a gesture of appreciation for altruistic donation.

They will be delivered on another allusive date: November 9, National Blood Donation Day. Also the areas of Language and Art Practice are involved in the educational project. The last in pursuit of generating a logo for the campaign and the first with products for Juarenses in reference to dissemination: radio spots, information brochures, etc.

The person responsible for contacting the neighbors, Professor Silvio Sanso told El Fénix: “The objectives are met because we work as a team. Each of those involved feels part of contributing what they can to achieve the general objective. No It is necessary to make the donation itself effective. You do not necessarily have to be a donor. There are neighbors who help in contact networks, families supporting their children in educational proposals, young people who are joining, media that have offered spaces to support the campaign, institutions that get involved “.

Then adding “for example, this year, the Escuela Agropecuaria joined the development of seedlings, companies that opened their doors for the proposal, uninterrupted joint work with the Hemotherapy area. Since the idea was conceived, the collaborative way of working, outside the College “.

Professor Sanso concluded by stating “I am fully convinced that one day Juárez will have 600 volunteer donors, apart from the replacement system. We need to add more neighbors to the living list, contact them once or twice a year and the goal will be met. But for this we need more neighbors to join and be more persistent with the campaign. The current contact to join is 2281 418105. “

The campaign never stopped and next Monday will be “D” day, so in a context as important as the one experienced worldwide by the Pandemic, this 2021 “600 x You” grows in expectation.

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